Least favorite video game character?

. Rarity .

Eighteen 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Ever come across that one character in a game that you really dont like for your own reason. just that one character that drives you crazy.

I was reminded of how much I couldn't stand Namine, from Kingdom Hearts 2, yesterday, when my friend and I were chatting. I really can't stand her. i know alot of people like her, but i aint a fan. At all.

How about you?
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I don’t know if this really counts, but I strongly dislike the baby versions of characters from Mario Kart. They seem like nothing more to me than fillers. It’s just as bad as Metal Mario and Pink Gold Peach. I’m aware that Baby Mario appeared in games like Yoshi’s Island, but he just seems like a filler if we have actual Mario and Metal Mario. I’m not complaining because I don’t necessarily have to play as these characters, but I’d see them quite a bit playing online.

I can’t stand the metal versions. They’re merely recolors of the original characters. The baby characters are slightly better because at least they’re a cool concept? It’s just not for me, though.
i’m not exactly sure if he counts, but i can’t stand lyle from animal crossing lmao. i feel bad because he’s literally just an otter (who’s design is quite cute), but his dialogue always irritates the hell out of me no matter what game it is. 😭
The people of the series are really gonna hate me for this but I really cannot stand Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa sometimes. She was literally designed to be the creators ideal "wife" and all she does is sleep or just go on tangents the entire time. I don't hate her, but I prefer her in the original sub much more. There's just something about some of the Danganronpa series that bothers me. I guess after moving on from the series after V3S end back in like 2018(?) I've become more critical of it and it's characters. I don't hate her design or anything and I don't really mind her writing. I just, don't really like her that much. For other reasons as well, I guess after being so used to Kyoko and other female characters I like more she felt a bit dull. However, I do have a positive note to leave on. I appreciated her role in the anime by just a bit. I think she just needed to be fleshed out a little better without being watered down sometimes.
The people of the series are really gonna hate me for this but I really cannot stand Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa sometimes. She was literally designed to be the creators ideal "wife" and all she does is sleep or just go on tangents the entire time. I don't hate her, but I prefer her in the original sub much more. There's just something about some of the Danganronpa series that bothers me. I guess after moving on from the series after V3S end back in like 2018(?) I've become more critical of it and it's characters. I don't hate her design or anything and I don't really mind her writing. I just, don't really like her that much. For other reasons as well, I guess after being so used to Kyoko and other female characters I like more she felt a bit dull. However, I do have a positive note to leave on. I appreciated her role in the anime by just a bit. I think she just needed to be fleshed out a little better without being watered down sometimes.
Yeah, she's probably my least favorite of Danganronpa 2, I kinda like her, and she's alright. But definitely can relate to this. I was so used to Kyoko, I never really connected with Nanami. but man do i feel sorry for her.

Now don't tell my friend, she's ironically her favorite.
this is pretty obscure but Henry miller from dayshift at Freddy's 😋 HATE that guy!
****er manipulated a innocent kid into killing people and also did lobotomy on him and other terrible awful things i hate that guy he sucks‼
Never hated a character this much I think 🤬
Ruto from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. She's a brat as a child and claims to be Link's husband as an adult. (I think it might have to do with the Zora's Sapphire acting as an engagement ring, which she gives you after you beat the third dungeon.) I just can't stand her. XP
Princess Peach from the Super Mario games. Every single time its always "Mario Help me!" and I am just thinking "Why can't she just defend herself?" I know in games like Super Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario, and Super Princess Peach she was able to defend herself and actually rescued Mario in that game, yet and all the other games she gets captured so easily. I just don't get her. Why would she let herself get captured so easily while in the other games she can defend herself? I really despise her and everytime I hear her voice I just kept thinking "She is going to get kidnapped again".
Princess Peach from the Super Mario games. Every single time its always "Mario Help me!" and I am just thinking "Why can't she just defend herself?" I know in games like Super Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario, and Super Princess Peach she was able to defend herself and actually rescued Mario in that game, yet and all the other games she gets captured so easily. I just don't get her. Why would she let herself get captured so easily while in the other games she can defend herself? I really despise her and everytime I hear her voice I just kept thinking "She is going to get kidnapped again".
Princess Peach reminds me a lot of people who like to play victim. She wants to be that “damsel in distress.” I sometimes think she purposely gets kidnapped just to be rescued by Mario.
Wasn't too crazy about Preston Garvey in Fallout 4, since he kept going on about adding settlements to my map for me to save. And then he got all mad at me for blowing up the Institute :rolleyes:
Milly, another settlement needs your help. I've marked them on your map.

I love that more than half of them are just random spots. Nothing about them even suggests they are or could be a town. I would had preferred quality of quantity.
the princess peach slander is wild. not sure if we're 'allowed' to disagree with other posts, but she's one of my favorite video game characters, personally, and i think the "always getting kidnapped" shtick is more a fault of nintendo (or whatever branch makes the mario games) and the IP's meh representation of female characters than peach herself, since she's proven to be capable of self-defense in several games, although that doesn't make any woman invulnerable to being a victim anyway, so 🤷‍♀️

anyway, as for me, as soon as i read the question, i forgot every game i've ever played. when trying to think, the first character that came to mind was cappy from odyssey. don't know why, he just annoyed the heck out of me. no tag-along NPC in a mario game has really appealed to me since tippi from SPM. the second character who came to mind was gregory from fnaf: security breach. can't stand him, which is unfortunate since he's the protagonist lmao.
The rivals from Pokemon X and Y because they are so pathetically generic, boring and forgettable. Even Hau is a better rival and that's saying a LOT imo. I'll give Tierno somewhat of a pass because he showed the most personality what with him dancing and trying to assemble his own dance troupe for his Pokemon team (and admittedly seeing him dance in the game was something I genuinely enjoyed and still remember, whereas the other rivals I couldn't care less)
I don’t ever really dislike video game characters but I guess one that I found annoying was F.L.U.D.D. from Mario Sunshine; the voice they gave it was nasally and annoying, and it was annoying how it would periodically say “Mario” when an enemy was nearby or something. I definitely don’t feel hatred for the character tho lol
the princess peach slander is wild. not sure if we're 'allowed' to disagree with other posts, but she's one of my favorite video game characters, personally, and i think the "always getting kidnapped" shtick is more a fault of nintendo (or whatever branch makes the mario games) and the IP's meh representation of female characters than peach herself, since she's proven to be capable of self-defense in several games, although that doesn't make any woman invulnerable to being a victim anyway, so 🤷‍♀️

anyway, as for me, as soon as i read the question, i forgot every game i've ever played. when trying to think, the first character that came to mind was cappy from odyssey. don't know why, he just annoyed the heck out of me. no tag-along NPC in a mario game has really appealed to me since tippi from SPM. the second character who came to mind was gregory from fnaf: security breach. can't stand him, which is unfortunate since he's the protagonist lmao.
I agree, Gregory was really annoying, for me it was because he wouldn't keep quite.
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The rivals from Pokemon X and Y because they are so pathetically generic, boring and forgettable. Even Hau is a better rival and that's saying a LOT imo. I'll give Tierno somewhat of a pass because he showed the most personality what with him dancing and trying to assemble his own dance troupe for his Pokemon team (and admittedly seeing him dance in the game was something I genuinely enjoyed and still remember, whereas the other rivals I couldn't care less)
Oh yeah I completely forgot them. Y s my favorite Pokemon game, but the rivals were-eh. Not a fan
Had a difficult time thinking of a character i actively Hate but one that came to my mind was tharja from fire emblem awakening. Super creepy and annoying
I really don't like Jade in Verdant Skies. She's always rude to my character (calling me lazy etc) even though I'm the one doing all of the work.

This is very unpopular, but I also hate Isabelle in AC. I find her extremely annoying and I wish I could kick her off the island. My hatred of her started before I even met her because when I was trying to find info about NH, most of the comments on youtube were people asking about Isabelle and it annoyed me. I just don't like anything about her and this is probably the main reason why I don't want to try NL because I know she has a big part in that game.
Currently, I do NOT like Cheryl from Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns. She's like that super creepy obsessed with her older brother type and it just rubs me the wrong way. She's also super frickin' bratty AND annoying.
Personally really do not like Celestia Ludenburg, Byakuya Togami or Hifumi from Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.

In her chapeer Celestia convinces Hifumi that Kiyotaka assaulted her, he did not but she did it so Hifumi would k!ll Kiyotaka, and then she would end Hifumi. The writing in her chapter is absolutely horrendous with a lot of outstanding flaws, like the fact she's written to be a master liar but it feels like from the start there's no way to think she could maybe be innocent. There's also a part were she shows you a picture that she took while supposedly laying down, but the angle of the picture could clearly only be taken if she was standing up so that alone shows she's being untruthful and it literally never gets acknowledged by anyone. The trial is just a mess with tons of flaws, Celestia also accused Kiyotaka of doing something pretty bad, and Kiyotaka is genuinely one of my favorite characters in the DR series. Don't like her.

Hifumi is also just the standard 'ewwie otaku' stereotype who is pretty gross towards the female characters despite saying he only really likes 2D girls.
And then Byakuya is just a jerk, and while no spoilers, he does some pretty bad things and pretty much received no real punishment for it, he literally stays the same throughout the whole game.
Not really huge on the cast of DR1 by the end of the game honestly, the only characters I really found myself liking are Makoto and Kyoko, and then Kiyotaka and Mondo, but 2 of those characters are literally the protagonists/main characters. I don't dislike the rest of the cast as much as I do those 3 characters, but things happen throughout the game that makes the others not really that enjoyable for me either.