That's so cute! Such a good idea. I don't really use Harv's island that much personally but I wish I did special going away parties for the villagers it was hard to let go of! I am planning on letting Walt move out soon from my island so perhaps I'll throw him a special party
That is a really cute thing to do! I'll admit once I let a villager move out I'm usually tired of them, or I'm really looking forward to welcome who's replacing them so... I want them gone ASAP
I use to do this with every villager that I kicked, but ended up stopping as I got rather lazy trying to make the party room look different for each villager. I'm not a very good photographer either.
I love this idea! I personally never did this, but I may if I decide to kick out some of my favorites (temporary or permanent) since I am considering it so I can try more villagers out. It is a hard decision though, but doing something like this might make it easier (or make me feel less bad at least) and will be something else I can post in my island journal. i did boot some villagers i liked a lot but had no room for if i wanted to go with my final lineup plan at the time. in those cases, as i wrote in my journal, i like to pretend (for my story anyways) that we stay in touch even after they leave my island.
I never considered this but it's an adorable concept and I think I will actually do this in the future.
At the very least, I'm in the process of moving the inventory of one of my player characters to another to hold so I can delete them and make a new character in their place, so it seems like this would be a nice way to send them off. Better than just deleting them without any fanfare like I was going to.
As for the animal residents of my island, most of them are intended to be permanent but I've been considering swapping one or two out, so I can definitely see doing this if I actually go through with such plans.
i think my NH oc, penny would be so on-board for this ^^
*that's if ' I ' actually remember, myself... cause it's me controlling what she does, after all....*
Such a lovely idea! I've never done such a party for any villager who was about to move away from my island, but maybe I will try it out and do one in the future.
sadly i lack the patience to do anything remotely like this (and honestly always forget Harv's island is a thing until I see people do cool things with it) but i think it's so cute!! especially if it's a villager you're on the fence about moving out
Oh this is such a cute idea! I definitely don't have the patience to do this and I'd feel bad starting these now after I've already had a few villagers move out, lol. But it's cute to see other peoples pictures of their little goodbye parties!
When I first saw the thread title I thought it was going to be about wanting a game mechanic of having goodbye parties. I think that would be really cute too! Or if not a whole party I think it would be nice if one or two villagers were hanging out with the moving-out villager as if they were helping pack up boxes and such.
The title made me think the topic was going to be about the 'Looks like someone left quietly' or whatever that phrase is. I barely had the patience for the Wedding event. I think some of the pictures and videos people do are creative and can be fun to watch if it's something that piques my interest, but I wouldn't want to put the effort into it.