Senior Member
I heard it is.
Alright, I'll probably get it a bit later than my birthday.CYNDAQUIL34 said:I heard it is.
I haven't played any GBA Zelda game. I recently bought a DS (on the relase date), which was my leap into hand-held gaming.BAMBAM! said:best zelda game for the GBA so far and that is saying alot!
Seasons was for GB Color. He said GBA.CYNDAQUIL34 said:I might disagree. Seasons was pretty good.
no, we have 4 sages.CYNDAQUIL34 said:Do we still only have 1 sage?
You have to be hand-picked.THEBOBINATOR said:can i be one?
It was the only origianl Zelda GBA game. ALttP w/ FS also came out, but it was mostly an old game.BAMBAM! said:minish cap was the only one for the GBA.