Leif Portrait: Does it really exist? How to get it?


Cebuella pygmaea
Nov 26, 2014
Right. I have seen a couple of Mischa Crossing's dream town videos and in every other one I see Leif's picture on a dresser. But when I look up guides on how to get his portrait I come back empty handed.

I know with traditional villagers you just do them favors, talk to them, etc. But Leif isn't really traditional. So how does one go about getting his portrait if it's a real thing?

Thanks in advance! :)
I think you have to scan in the Leif Amiibo card and when he shows up there is a chance you will get his picture :)
Well dang! Guess I'll have to be on the lookout for his card for sale. :) Thanks a bunch!!!
Like all special characters, you can scan their amiibo card in to get their picture. I beleive you have ro choose the "ask for a present" option.
You could make a post on Re-Tail and see if someone will sell just the picture to you! It could happen!

Perhaps when I get more TBT, haha!

Like all special characters, you can scan their amiibo card in to get their picture. I beleive you have ro choose the "ask for a present" option.

I see! Thanks for the detailed info! :)
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