Pokémon Lets Go Shinies! ✨


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2018
There?s a brand new shiny hunting method in these games that make it super easy to hunt! I know a lot of people have even started hunting before the first gym, myself included!

So is anyone else having any shiny luck? Plan on hunting anything? Found anything cool on accident? Please feel free to show me, or discus the new method if you?d like!

So far, I?ve found this lovely little buddy!

I know there are a lot of mixed feelings about these games, and they?re currently the Hot New Thing?️ to hate on at the moment, but please... don?t post if you?re just going to be negative and try to ruin the fun for those of us excited for this game... ty.... ��
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I failed at this method (trying to get Rhyhorn) because I didn’t know how forgiving it was. I thought you had to chain endlessly and didn’t know you could flee... lol my Pok?mon went from level 37ish to 52 but I reset because I felt like I spent too much money setting everything up just to fail plus I planned on doing it again

Anyway I had a chain of 31 (fled from accidental encounters) on my second attempt and caught a shiny Horsea about 3-4 hours later.. yay not the right gender though so I’m gonna keep going :eek:
Before fighting Fuchsia I found me a shiny Doduo~! Since then, I've caught me a shiny Ponyta as well as a shiny Drowzee. This is a super duper useful method for shiny hunting AND competitive, thank goodness, so its a 2-in-1 deal.
I haven’t caught any in Let’s Go yet, but I have transferred a bunch from Go to Let’s Go. So far I have shiny Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Squirtle, Wartortle, and Pikachu. I think that’s it atm
I'm honestly considering getting Let's Go just for the shiny hunting lmao (cause shiny hunting is life yall)
The first mon I chained to try getting a shiny was geodude, which I never got. My next attempt was psyducks, but a shiny meowth spawned that I didn’t notice until it was too late - then a shiny squirtle which I did get. I tried for geodude again after that but got a shiny clefairy instead. My next targets were vulpix and rattata (missed a pidgey before ratty showed up). Shiny raticate showed up while I was lost in the mansion on cinnabar - didn’t even have a combo going at this point lol. I went back today for my white whale, meowth which I got.

Shiny hunting is the funnest it’s been yet for me. Thanks to hyper training I won’t even feel bad if my shinies don’t have great IVs upon capture.
The first mon I chained to try getting a shiny was geodude, which I never got. My next attempt was psyducks, but a shiny meowth spawned that I didn’t notice until it was too late - then a shiny squirtle which I did get. I tried for geodude again after that but got a shiny clefairy instead. My next targets were vulpix and rattata (missed a pidgey before ratty showed up). Shiny raticate showed up while I was lost in the mansion on cinnabar - didn’t even have a combo going at this point lol. I went back today for my white whale, meowth which I got.

Shiny hunting is the funnest it’s been yet for me. Thanks to hyper training I won’t even feel bad if my shinies don’t have great IVs upon capture.
I spent about 30 hours total trying to get a Rhyhorn (which I got yesterday, woop!) and it was not fun lol it was a horrible grueling experience I don’t want to live ever again. Not until I get the shiny charm at least...

I now have two horseas and a rhyhorn and I’m satisfied with that until I beat the main game. :)

What’s interesting though is that I caught all 3 without using lures (half way through the game and I don’t have much $) I tried standing still with a lure for rhyhorn (attempt #2 and #3) but like I said, it was boring so I changed up my method by just walking from room to room without lures and found a shiny about an hour and a half later
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Since my last post I’ve managed to snag shiny drowzee, magikarp, dratini, spearow and ekans. Magikarp and spearow showed while I was hunting others. :)
The first mon I chained to try getting a shiny was geodude, which I never got. My next attempt was psyducks, but a shiny meowth spawned that I didn’t notice until it was too late - then a shiny squirtle which I did get. I tried for geodude again after that but got a shiny clefairy instead. My next targets were vulpix and rattata (missed a pidgey before ratty showed up). Shiny raticate showed up while I was lost in the mansion on cinnabar - didn’t even have a combo going at this point lol. I went back today for my white whale, meowth which I got.

Shiny hunting is the funnest it’s been yet for me. Thanks to hyper training I won’t even feel bad if my shinies don’t have great IVs upon capture.

Oh, man, that's so ironic! I ended up deciding I want to do a shiny badge challenge, so I'm trying to catch at least one shiny before each gym and those are the only pokemon I'm using on my team. So when I was in mt moon, I was trying to chain for a shiny Paras and ended up finding a geodude instead! And then I also tried shiny hunting for a psyduck and was getting suuuuuper frustrated lmao. They kept running away. I did finally get my shiny psduck after chaining 22 though! And after I caught it, I was hoping I could test my luck and attempt to find another shiny since I hadn't broken my chain yet, but literally the next psyduck I encountered ran from me weeps.

But yeah, I also super love this hunting method! It feels so much faster since pokemon appear in the overworld! I am terrified I'll fail my first shiny in this game, though. I've never failed one in any other game, but it seems like it'll be a lot easier in Lets Go.