Let's play together!

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Great! I'll just turn on ACNL. I may have some gifts for all visitors so if anyone else wants to come too feel more than welcome to come on down!
Hi everyone! Sorry, I had to go to school and I am back now! I'd love to go to the island with you, cherrysmilesonice and Leeroy Jakens, you are welcome to bring Katie to Una! I'll add your FC now, cherrysmilesonice.:)

I?ll add you at some point this morning :)
Does anyone want to play with me right now? I am free so if you are interested please let me know. I really feel like playng some island tours with someone.
I'm bored so if anyone wanna play please let me know and if you see the gate is open feel more than welcome to come by! I also have some free gifts for anyone that visits! We can do whatever in my town.:)
I won't be free much tomorrow but I will be able to play for a little bit. I'm still free if anyone wants to play now though.
Sweet! I'll add you now. Let me know when you would like to play.
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hi! this looks really fun, my FC is 5000-8270-8474 ♡ i'd love to join in with you guys eventually ^^
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that I didn't reply earlier to you! I have added your FC. Please PM or VM me when you want to play if you read this.

Sorry again for replying so late, Jack. :D
Great! My friend code is down below and in the sidebar. Adding yours now!
Is your FC the one in your sidebar? My 3DS is saying that the friend code is incorrect.
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