Let's play together!

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Koroe, what is your sister's FC? I sent you a PM but you didn't answer.
Oh, okay, great! I'll add your FC and open the gates. I will be Jack of Una.
I've added everyone's FCs. I'm free if anybody is interested in visiting Una.
hello, Im actually new here and was wondering if you're still free to play today or maybe I can just add you for tonight if it's too late and play another day. Normally I just play with a co-worker of mine but it would be nice to have new friends to play with too haha.
hello, Im actually new here and was wondering if you're still free to play today or maybe I can just add you for tonight if it's too late and play another day. Normally I just play with a co-worker of mine but it would be nice to have new friends to play with too haha.

Sorry I didn't see this until now! I've added your FC and I have about 45 minutes if you're free now to play.
I'm not available now anyway, I'm at the beach. What's your time zone?
Great! I just added you! Would you like to visit my town or shall I visit yours?
Can I visit yours?

Absolutely! Just give me a minute to open my gates. I will be playing as Jack of Una.

Edit - Una's gates are now open!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Something must have happened! I'll open my gates again.
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Anyone free to play? I am free for a while if you want to play together.
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