@Mikaiah may I ask what region you're from in the US? I know the culture can vary by region, I'm from the good ol liberal Midwest. My hope is to major in Accounting and find a school that has a dual degree program to get a Masters quicker. But just out of curiosity, what does an Engineer do? It sounds interesting and worthwhile!
I'm a chemical engineer, so my work will be VERY different from a Mechanical, Electrical, or Computer engineer, and you're better off asking people in those fields what they do.
Anyways, the chemical engineering job is actually pretty diverse. Day-to-day it'll depend on the phase of the project I'm in so I'll give some examples (I'm in consumer goods/food industry which is also additionally very different from Pharmaceutical or Oil/Gas).
I'm not allowed to spill company secrets like line names or specifics, so I'll have to keep it generic.
So as an engineer, usually the plan is scale-up and production. Product development will create the new products, your job is to figure out how to make a million of that product as efficiently as possible.
OK, so project start -> usually here are budget talks with vendors and stakeholders on what the new line they want to build is. Your role in this as an engineer will vary, usually there is one "engineering manager" or someone who is the primary engineer managing the project. We'll say that I work at Company A and we're making a new line for producing half-gallon milk bottles.
vendors selected -> once the vendors are selected, they will develop the part of the line they are responsible for (ie. the pasteurizer, bottle-filler, and coolers, etc.)
Usually the company making each of these parts are different.
Once the vendors complete their development, they will send the documents over to the engineering team at Company A. The head manufacturing specialist will read this document (usually a P&ID - piping and instrumentation diagram) amongst other specifications and send them back with questions or revisions. (ie. why is this valve here, we need backpressure here or things will explode, stuff like that).
The back-and forth will continue for quite awhile. Safety is super important, so we need to make sure we have everything covered.
Months after the initial revisions are committed, we now have a line, but we need to test the automation (PLC code).
This is currently what I'm personally working on.
So my job at the moment is to:
- Build a simulation (ie. place valves, pipe connections, tanks, etc in order).
- Load the PLC code (someone else is actually doing this to me) into the rack so that it can be tested.
- Run the simulation and debug both the PLC coding and my own work.
This process normally takes months (the better part of a year).
I know that I put them each on one line, but they're actually quite complex.
For building the simulation, you need to parse through hundred of thousands of pages of a technical manual that the vendor provides you. Normally you're looking for things like the pump curve, heat transfer coefficients, etc. Sometimes you have to calculate them yourself (this part is the only part you learn in university).
Then you have to think through multiple unit conversions (ie. in to meters, meters to millimeters, stuff like that) and make sure everything is working together.
Then you need to figure out how to get your blocks to talk to each other, and that's what the PLC code is for.
I'm probably getting too detailed here but feel free to ask if you want more details xD.
ok, once the PLC code is tested/debugged, we send a document with all the bugs back to the vendor for correction, and continue testing corrections until everything works properly.
While that was happening, all the equipment got delivered onsite and is ready for installation. Usually the vendor will go onsite and assist with installation, usually the engineering team isn't too involved here.
Where we get involved again is for test runs. Things like bottle rejection (it was the wrong shape, we need to make sure the computer correctly rejects these) and correct processing (monitoring temperatures of the milk while it's pasteurizing, for example). We have to test the seal, and make sure the conveyors are running smoothly.
This is a lot more involved than you might think.
While test runs are happening, we also have to run operator training. We need to make sure they know exactly what to do on the factory floor if a valve suddenly fails and starts draining, or if the CIP (clean in place solution, this is something commonly used in food production for more efficiency) starts leaking into the balance tank. This is often run using the simulation that I built before.
Then after that is factory/project ramp-up. We don't stop supporting until the line has successfully run for 8-10 weeks, by which point it can go into full production.
wow this turned out a lot longer than I thought, hope you don't mind reading! xD
I also know roughly what a lot of the other engineering disciplines do, but I won't be able to speak with as much detail on them.
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