Buying LF Jacques

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your local loser
Jul 11, 2014
Red Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Summer Shell
Pink Summer Shell
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
100% (104) +
I've been island hopping trying to find him but no luck,, so maybe someone here could find him for me :'D
iirc, he's not that popular a villager, so I'm hoping someone's looking to get rid of him :'DD

I can pay in IGB and/or nook miles tickets! maybe TBT,, but I don't have much oops. can also trade for materials if that's your thing ^^

thanks for looking!


closing the thread now c:
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Idk if this helps, but I have him in my town and wouldn’t mind trading him off to be honest! The only thing is
I have 2 more slots open and idk when he’ll ask to move >~<
Idk if this helps, but I have him in my town and wouldn’t mind trading him off to be honest! The only thing is
I have 2 more slots open and idk when he’ll ask to move >~<

ahh well if he ever asks to move out, please let me know! ty for telling me :'D
He is not in boxes :/. One of my other villagers “asked” to leave today, so unless I time travel it may be a minute before he’s in boxes. I can keep you in the loop about it. I literally haven’t talked to him once. He was my first campsite visitor and I had no choice but to have him move in.

As far as pricing... not sure &#55357;&#56837;. I like flowers, I don’t have any lilies yet, and hybrids especially. Or if you have any extra DIYs I don’t have yet?
He is not in boxes :/. One of my other villagers “asked” to leave today, so unless I time travel it may be a minute before he’s in boxes. I can keep you in the loop about it. I literally haven’t talked to him once. He was my first campsite visitor and I had no choice but to have him move in.

As far as pricing... not sure ��. I like flowers, I don’t have any lilies yet, and hybrids especially. Or if you have any extra DIYs I don’t have yet?

ah ok! you def don't have to time travel just for me tho, it's up to you

i don't have lilies, but i do have a lot of pink and blue windflowers :O and for DIYs, i have the wooden stool and windflower fan!

thanks for letting me know!
Sounds cool! I don’t have the wind flower fan :eek:. If you get a better offer before he’s ready no worries! Feels good to give them a home vs letting them go to the void.
Hello, I have Jacques! I am looking for Doc, if you happen to have him I would be happy to make a trade. Otherwise, how much would you be willing to trade for him? Please note that I don't have him in boxes yet --- it might take a while, though I do TT.

edit: Oh! Lucky, he wants to move out.
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Hello, I have Jacques! I am looking for Doc, if you happen to have him I would be happy to make a trade. Otherwise, how much would you be willing to trade for him? Please note that I don't have him in boxes yet --- it might take a while, though I do TT.

edit: Oh! Lucky, he wants to move out.

sorry for the late reply! if he's in boxes rn, I can take him off your hands! I still have an extra plot open :')
I unfortunately don't have Doc, but I can give 200k IGB for him? (idk if that's a fair price; I looked at the villager popularity guide- but I can raise my offer :'O )
sorry for the late reply! if he's in boxes rn, I can take him off your hands! I still have an extra plot open :')
I unfortunately don't have Doc, but I can give 200k IGB for him? (idk if that's a fair price; I looked at the villager popularity guide- but I can raise my offer :'O )

I'm so, so sorry. I had to move him out because a dreamie became available for me to adopt. I genuinely hope you find Jacques in the very near future.
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