How rare is Scorpion Island?


Smells Like Teen Spirit
Oct 23, 2023
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Last night, I tried looking for Scorpion Island. I had over 70,000 nook miles saved up and purchased around 30 tickets. Also, Flick was on my island, so I wouldn’t have to wait for him and store the scorpions. I went through 10 tickets, nothing. 7 more tickets, nothing. Purchased and went through 10 more tickets, STILL nothing. Purchased 7 MORE tickets, STILL NOTHING. I felt like the game was like “Yeah, we want you to be frustrated and not get lots of money from Flick.” Is Scorpion Island really THAT rare, or did I just get EXTREMELY unlucky?
I’ve read it’s about 1% of the mystery islands. Personally, I’ve had New Horizons for four years and not once encountered it! But maybe that varies from person to person.
I've had Tarantula island before on my old island playthrough but not Scorpion island. In my new island playthrough I haven't encountered it once. Then again, I don't island hop as much as I did for my old island.
I think I've only encountered like 3-ish tarantula ones and 2 scorpions ones. You can always technically force the mystery island to become one by just destroying all the foliage and rocks.
I think I’ve only gotten one (tarantula island; 0 scorpion) in all the years that I’ve been playing; I didn’t do as much mystery islands back when they first became available but that was when I got one and the only one.

I think I've only encountered like 3-ish tarantula ones and 2 scorpions ones. You can always technically force the mystery island to become one by just destroying all the foliage and rocks.
I’ve done that before, but it was a disaster. For the full story, see the DIY Tarantula Island thread I posted back in April. The search for the Scorpion Island wasn’t a total flop though, as I made some money when I got 2 money rock islands. On the first one I visited, I destroyed all the flowers and forced all of the crickets and tiger beetles to despawn or jump into the water. Needless to say, a lot of crickets were killed that night. After around 15 ish minutes, I successfully got a Scorpion to spawn. I caught it and sold it to Flick. I just want to visit the actual Scorpion Island, not make one. I was looking for the regular one BTW, not the gold nugget one cuz it’s the rarest mystery island and I knew my chances of getting it were zero to none. Here’s a photo of me catching the Scorpion I forced to spawn.
