Jesse Pinkman
If deardeer gets the other Lopez first, you can have mine.
Yaay n_n
If deardeer gets the other Lopez first, you can have mine.
I have Lopez in my town. I'm just curious why everyone wants him? I'm not to found of him only because his house is on one of my paths.
He's a deer.. That's the primary reason really
I love deers maan cough my username cough
Plus his design is pretttyyy and he has a cool name lol
I prefer Zell really.. But I had Lopez as my first Smug in my current town and he was cool.. His name just makes me think he has a big bum though, 'cos of J-Lo :L
I have moved out 7 villagers since I started trying to get Lopez out.
Ugh...this dang deer.
And your other dang deer .. The deer love you xD
I know. x__x
I have cycled a lot today to get Erik out.