LF Train station upgrade!

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Senior Member
Apr 12, 2020
100% (4) +
Greetings, everyone!

I just had access to the 4th grade of the Town Plaza's tree today, which allows you to sit in front of him and having some "credits", and in the informations about my town I noticed that 15 visitors came in my town. I want to make a Zen town so I'm planning on building the Zen station as soon as I'll reach the 100 visitors, but it's faaaar from over. So if someone wants to help me with that, that would be wonderful. I can pay with IG-Bells, fruits, or perfect fruits if you want. I'm available right now, and I will most likely stand in front of my station, doing something else IRL. My FC is in my signature.
EDIT : I no longer need help. Thanks everyone!

Thank you in advance!
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I’ll gladly help! How many IGB do you mind giving me? I can go to your town and back as many times as you want :D
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My FC is 3798 - 2031 - 1639
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I just realised it’s you! Nvm you don’t need to pay me :)
Well, each work has to be paid, right? So, let's say... One million Bells for the favour? Will it be enough to pay some of your bills to Nook if you still have to refund him? 😄
I'll open my gates in a minute then!
really?? that’s a lot of bells 😱 thank you so much!! on my way :D
I feel kind of confident about you, I think I can be AFK while you're doing the trips. I'll get the Bells when everything's done :)
EDIT : More than 80 is quite long, so if you are no longer available before, it's okay, just let me know if you have to stop so I could get you the Bells.
It's okay, just tell me when you will be available again! But bear in mind that you are not forced to, you already helped a lot with the trips you already made. :)
I can help :), I’m in need of a few bells if you don’t mind.
No problem! How much would you like?
I still need 70 trips to get my upgrade, but I imagine that it's kind of boring and very time-consuming. So, maybe, let's say... 20 trips? :)
What's yours by the way? I finally managed to take some time for tonight, so if you're still okay, we can start now. :)
Mine is 2295-0713-6627
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I’m gonna come now if that’s ok?? :)
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