=^● ⋏ ●^=
I've seen this game everywhere on shows, sitcoms, etc. Basically, all you have to do is post 3 things about yourself ( one of them has to be a lie; make them weird and hard! ) and the poster after you or below you has to guess which is a lie and they also have to post 3 things about themselves with a lie. DON'T FORGET TO GUESS WHICH IS A LIE FOR THE POSTER ABOVE YOU ^.^
Ill start:
1. I draw anime.
2. I'm addicted to chocolate.
3. I am a gymnast.
what it would look like:
person after me: I think #3 is a lie, you aren't a gymnast.
1. blahblahblah
2. blahlblah
3. bleeblooblaa
Ill start:
1. I draw anime.
2. I'm addicted to chocolate.
3. I am a gymnast.
what it would look like:
person after me: I think #3 is a lie, you aren't a gymnast.
1. blahblahblah
2. blahlblah
3. bleeblooblaa
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