Life now {Roleplay}

I eventually gather myself together and decide that moping in a washroom isn't going to help. I slide off the sink bench and make my way towards where the others were slowly. Was it Riley or someone that called me?
I peek to the side. "Wow. I guess he's really depressed. Although he's probably lost it, I'd like to get to know him."
It looked like I was crazy, but I went with him. I looked crazy because only I could see hi and he grabbed me.
I get back to the others, but when I see Chihaya is with them, I come close to breaking down again. I back up an aisle and sit behind it, out of view.
I start to cry. All I saw were memories of me and my girlfriend, before the virus. And then I saw it. I proposed to her the day before the virus, and she said yes.

I kept watching, and saw my breaking point. When Minato died.