'Or another cause could be..' I quickly checked my portable laptop. 'Meterod's.' 'Oh, What Meterods you ask? Well, they grow from Mars, then they float around space, soon landing on planets. This time they landed on earth, causing the virus.'
I don't think that's quite right either, I think it would have been on the news if a meteor had crashed onto earth. Or am I just forgetting things again
'Well, why dont you guys listen to this?' 'Metrods are not Metiors, they are much smaller and they cant be seen until they infect someone or something.' I say.
"In human form once I kissed this guy and he was almost my bofriend, then exitment made me lose concentration and I reveled pumpkin head, lets just say he wasn't my bofriend after that"
"It's not them, i had a friend who was a meterod and he told me all about them, there methods of inflickting there virus is compleadly different, It's not them"