Life now {Roleplay}

“I know, that was ridiculous....Why was Jane so insistent that you were the one trying to force things on her? Is she really so determined not the take the blame?"

"So your Zed, nice to meet you, anyway, I swear if I ever see those two again, well Marie I can forgive, but Chihaya, I swear I will kill her on sight" I say, still really annoyed
"I'm guessing she was. Where are we going to go?" Wait a minute, I was the one who showed everyone the church, why am I leaving?!
I laugh, "I would feel a lot calmer if I could stab something" I say. "Wow since when did I turn into a psychopath" I mutter
"I kinda feel the same, I really wanna burn somthing, how about your old cotches house, that was made of wood, and I'm sure there's somthing to stab there"
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"There's one I looted before. We should probably walk the long way around though, when I cut though the woods before there was a knife sticking up, which was how I hurt my foot."
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When we get here I find something, I pick it up and It's a vidio cammera and I play a vidio and see It's recorded Chihaya hitting on Jane "You have to see the" I say