• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Eligible ✨Life on Totoro Island✨

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit


The Local Busybody
Mar 22, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Lost Book
Dear Diary.....

Sunday 15th Jan 2023

Today was a sleepy sunday, so much that when i finally woke up and left my warm house i tried looking for Daisy Mae, Not releasing i had more of a lie in than i thought as it was after 12 and she had already been and left! No turnips for me this week!

Thinking about what I was going to do to fill my tummy with something nice and warm, I went to the island's community field to see which vegetables survived the frost and I could make a meal from, Luckily there were fields full of delicious food!


Choosing was the hardest decision of the day, I settled with carrots from the earth. I knew I could cook up an amazing Carrot Soup to beat the cold weather, so I got to the cooker and made an amazing masterpiece.

Finishing my meal of the day I went to sit outside to have a nice view over the lake nearby and enjoy the hot soup on the winter day. Always turn a negative situation into a positive one! Life's important motto!


~bon appetit!​
Day two...
Today is the start of a new week on totoro island, even though the snowy conditions still reign over us for some time to come, what better way to spend a chilly monday than with a cosy morning in the museum of totoro!

Starting it all off is ofcourse a cup of (lukewarm) coffee, even if brewster doesn't agree with my room temp cup, I always insist on enjoying it cooled down!

The coffee shop seemed to be popular today as even Timmy left his brother to run the shop while he popped along and grabbed a cup to go.

After downing my cup in one, I thought I would start my journey inside the art gallery looking at all the amazing masterpieces!

Tia was also there to my surprise so we decided to group up and walk around the gallery together enjoying the beautiful artwork!

I did offer tia to join me after looking at the artwork going to see the fossil downstairs, she seemed reluctant, so i went alone even though it seems very creepy going to the dark basement alone…

When looking at the animal chain, the missing piece, when I arrived at the spot, seemed very peculiar as if i was a part of the missing piece…..

After many steps exploring the museum I was left tired and, less than optimistic when finding in the corner the display of the beginning of the world as we know it, it got me thinking...

~How long until it happens again?​
Day Three... C.J visits!

Today I woke up to the Morning announcement from Isabelle who said C.J was here on the island today and even though he was just here for a day off work, I knew he always had a Sports challenge Ready for me!


He wanted Fish that were Squid size or larger. Luckily, I have a big pond in front of the totoro shopping plaza which had a perfect size shadow, so I tried my luck and started my challenge off!


The second of the three was proving difficult to say the least, i was travelling around my island to all the ponds, rivers and around the coast line and couldn't find any shadows the size i needed, little to say i was…. Fustrated.:oops:


After calming down, I tried going to the right tip of my island’s coast line where the boats rest during the cold season,
and found two shadows the size I needed, so I was able to grab my second and third fish straight after each other. They always say you wait ages for a bus and two come along at the same time!


I finished the challenge by finding C.J and telling him what I had caught, needles to say he was ecstatic and wanted to take many, many photos of my fish. I was happy to go along with it, as long as he took them off my hands, I had no use for them.

Brrr… after being outside in the winter so long my hands had frozen to icicles. Time for a well deserved coffee! To brewsters we go!


Going to grab my warm coffee, I saw that Bea had the same idea! She seemed relaxed with her coffee so I decided to grab mine to go, and go and warm my hands up outside and enjoy the scenery of the island.


Sitting with my coffee outside (more for a hot water bottle) enjoying life on Totoro island, I felt so happy I found this island in 2020!

~Why did I get so frustrated by a fish, or lack of them?​
Day Four... Someone has washed ashore!

Wednesday, the middle of the week is here! Halfway through to the weekend! That being said, Totoro island life is not going to slow down any time soon.
The morning announcement was from Isabelle saying there was someone washed up on the island's shores, poor guy! It must be freezing being in the ocean in the middle of winter, I need to go and make sure they are okay, let me just check the mail

I had an interesting, and paranoid filled letter from chester….

I know I didn't wear my clothes backwards but… did i? No I would never! Would i? hmmm....
Putting that paranoia to the back of my mind... for now,
I must go see if the washed up person is okay….
oh , I've met this guy on the shore before many times…..

Since Gulliver is acting so distressed I decided to help him once again to calm him down (in other words to give myself an easier life), let's get the golden shovel and my detective hat out and get searching!

One by one, they started coming out of the ground as I desperately tried to find all five before they got washed back out to sea, 1…2…3…4…5!! Let's go see Gulliver and give him the parts he was asking for and send him on his way!!

I did feel bad for gulliver in the end, but i do keep thinking,
how many times can one person (or bird) keep falling off ship. Maybe it's time for a new Career?
That being said, I decided to leave him to make his phone calls and texts to get picked up from Totoro island, that leaves me time to go and enjoy my day!

As I got walking to go get my morning coffee,
I kept feeling… very… sleepy,
all that digging has left me needing a nap, it's still only sunrise!

~I need to get to brewster before i fall asleep outside​
Day five.... Trip to the salon

I thought I would treat my villager to a spa pamper day from their own home!
I remodel a room in my villagers house to replicate a dream salon I would love to work in!
Time to take a seat and wait for my appointment time!

First of all i wanted Infills in my finger nail acrylics, which would be recommended to get every 3 weeks or so (even more of a excuse to keep taking trips to the salon!), the one decision i cant choose for my villager, which of the amazing colours should they go for? And what designs will I want today?

Fingernails filed and coloured, it's time to move to the pedicure station, feet washing and drying with fluffy towels, toe nails filed and colour chosen, it's time for a foot massage and gel polish to be added to the toes!

After having had hands and feet completely pampered, finished off with cuticle oil and put shoes back on, it's time to pay before we leave and enjoy our day!

And always one habit I do when I go to a nail salon….

~Always tip for good work!​
Day 6 ...... The secret beach

Today I awoke to a somewhat concerning island announcement from Isabelle, talking about some crafty Business potentially going on at the hidden secret beach of Totoro….

Hmmm something doesn't sound right, it's time to turn detective! Let's put our best Sherlock Holmes outfit on (including magnifying glass) and get heading over to the secret beach!

Getting here the atmosphere seems… off from the design of the boat to the horrid black smoke coming out of the pipe on said boat. But… I recognise that flag flying from the mast, could it be? Someone i know, lets go inside and check out who it is and what their selling is genuine.

‘Cousin!’ I hear before I can adjust my eyes to the darkness of the inside the boat. Oh it's redd! I know what he gets up to, let's check out these items and see if they're any good.
Hmm The non - art section seems genuine, mop bucket and a vase of flowers, so far so good…

Now to get my Art book out and check each piece with my magnifying glass,
This is the outcome from my findings
Quaint Painting - FAKE
Jolly Painting - FAKE
Familiar Statue - GENUINE
Warrior Statue - FAKE

This is not looking good, it's time to leave before I'm convinced into buying something I really don't need or want!
Outside of this boat i decide to do my best to warn others, i create a sign warning people to stay away due to ‘dodgy business practice’

~I can only hope they listen and do not go inside!​
Day 7.... Pascal?

Last night i had a dream of living in the Underworld Atlantis, oh how beautiful and bliss it all was! This gave me an idea as soon as I woke up.
Let's go see if I can find any piece of an Underworld Atlantiss On the Totoro sea bed!


After changing into my wetsuit and swimming cap, I headed in, trying to forget how cold it was and maybe I would've waited until summer time.

After finding many many pieces of seaweed, sea cucumbers & dodging many Jellyfish stings and Crabs claws, I seem to find a beautiful scallop so I dive down to grab.
When I return to the surface I can sense someone behind me staring at me wanting my attention….


PASCAL! Long time no see! He politely asks if i would trade him a scallop for some knowledge, i comply as a scallop is not the evidence i need of a Underwater Atlantis

This piece of knowledge somehow comforts and confuses me at the same time…..


you pascall, and oh! He seems to have slipped something beautiful in my swimming bag, let's go ashore and see what it could be!!


Is that… a PEARL? Evidence of Totoro’s sea bed atlantis? This gives me so much hope to continue searching, maybe when the weather is warmer and I can feel my toes again….
but it did get me thinking

~How many Pearls make a Pearl Necklace?​
Day 8 .... Whos at the campsite?

Today Totoro island has a camper staying over! The whole town is buzzing about who it could be, there is only one way to find out. Let's go!

Finally making my way to the highest level of the island where the campsite sits with the wind turbines, is a tent lit up with a shadow inside…. Hmm who could it be?

BREE! The tiny shadow made themselves known when I entered the tent to introduce myself. We had a great chat about how their journey has been and the wonders they have found when exploring the island in the early hours. Then surprisingly Bree wants to play a game, why not?

Bree shuffles a deck of cards and I try to make my decision, Heart, Diamond, Spade or Club?
1 in 4 chance let's go for diamonds!


I guessed right and got a questionable prize for my guess.. Hmm it's a taste to say the least!
I must wear it until I leave the campsite at least, to be polite, Thanks Bree!


~Maybe think twice before checking the campsite…​
Day 9 ..... Lets take a trip!

Today is Sunday, the start of the new week and what better way of spending my time today than a trip to a mystery island? Let's go to the beach pier and find Kapp’n


1,000 Nook Miles for a round trip? What a bargain! Let's hop on the boat and see where he takes us!
And we do get a treat of a song to listen to while we travel across the sea

We landed on an island I've never seen before. It's beautiful and still has a snow blanket across the trees and grass. It looks like a deserted gorgeous white wonderland. Good job I wrapped up warm!

Using my trekking tools I managed to find the highest point of the island with my ladder. One step at a time, eventually we're here! What a beautiful view, exhausting but beautiful! Let's take a snap to write a letter to mom.

Now the harder part, the climb down! With the snow making it harder than it already is, it's best to have the best grip and trust your judgement of climbing the cliff’s.

Finally, I see the boat and Kapp’n, lets just take a breath….. Before asking to go home…..

~Maybe next time, take a picnic​
Day 10 ... Time to party!
Day 10 of Totoro islands journal, i thought it would be time to celebrate!
The best way to celebrate is to throw a party and invite everyone to celebrate how much of a joy these 10 days have been!

First things first is trying to set up the room to make it more of a party vibe, first of all is setting up the music deck, the lights and the food tables, most importantly in my opinion is what flavour cakes will be chosen?


After all the electricity is set up and ready to go with music, it's time to choose the food and drinks, of course I couldn't decide on a cake so I arranged to get 4! Some afternoon tea cakes and Glasses of Fruit juice from the trees of Totoro island! Let's get dressed and get this party started!


Now i'm in my party clothes, and everyone came to the party, we are having the best time, although we couldn't get DJ K.K. i got the next best thing DJ Cleo!

The atmosphere was so much fun I only managed to get one photo, everyone was mid-dance having the most fun!


As this day 10 comes to an end everyone on Totoro island would like to thank the readers for being so interested in the lives of the island, and everyone within it! This is not goodbye! We will continue to update you on the goings on of the island, But for now we need to recover from the Party!

~Is there something like too much cake?​
Dear Diary ..... The mysterious Boat

Hello from a cold, snowy floor!

Currently having a sit down to relax with coco while writing this entry while she is reading one of her favourite novels, i thought we could catch up!


It's been another busy period for Totoro island but the most recent event to happen which I managed to get on photo film is the mysterious boat that appeared at the dock of the island, it is currently unknown who the owner could be, but it does need some fixing up as it has seen better days!

Could it be that I washed up on the shore? If so, what's its back story, who was on board and where are they now? So many questions this does give me a good idea, I could write my own novel about the story behind the history of the mysterious boat.

~But maybe not on the cold floor, i need to find a chair!​
Dear Diary ...... A visitor takes a trip!

Today is a great day on Totoro island, @S.J. came to visit!

It's always great having someone to come visit the island! We set off around the winter island and stopped off at some cold soup a villager had left! Best not to try…..

Only a few steps away is the island's harvest crops! Full of vegetables by a greenhouse available for anyone! Always great to use freshly harvest items for a recipe


Coco lives next door as she loves to tend to the harvest crops. We went in to visit as she was inside her house and I needed to introduce our guest to the island's most famous resident!
Her room was nice and cosy with her comforts and a heater turned on for the winter!

After showing many other villager houses and visiting the Market street, we stopped off at the orchid which were in full bloom and ready for picking! Such yummy fruit to choose from!
Walking on and Finishing our tour we noticed the statue of an Ancient sea turtle,
needles to say it was a shock to one of us!

We had so much fun exploring Totoro island together. It's always so nice to invite friends over and show them the best the villagers have to offer!!

A big thank for to @S.J. I had a great time having you over on Totoro island!!!

~maybe time for a little nap…​
Dear Diary ...... Lets get baking!

It's time for a Friday treat for cleo!

I've been noticing Cleo has been more reclusive in her house since the snow has started. I thought it would be great to bake her a treat, so I changed into my cooking chef clothes, and headed off to the Orchid and found some fabulous fruit which had survived the frost!

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Hmm there is a lot of choice luckily, but i have not used cherries for a long time so i thought i would find my Cherry Tart recipe i received in the post from mom a few years ago and get to baking!

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After using the Cherries with some flour and sugar, it was time to make some happiness on a plate. Now let's go and see if this can make Cleo a bit happier!


Great news! This was one of her favourite dishes and she seemed to be so overjoyed with the cherry tart. Time well spent. I'm so glad she seemed to be a bit happier since the days are so dark and gloomy!!
It's time to get home and have some of the leftovers I saved for myself!

~How much cherry tart is too much?​
Dear Diary .... Coffee with Gram!

Today I thought I would go to the museum cafe where it's nice and warm, reasonably priced coffee and the perfect place to call friends on the amiibo phone and have a good ol’ catchup!!


First things first let's see if there is my favourite sofa to sit in the cafe, it is!
Now let's get on the Amiibo phone and see if anyone is free to come and catch up!


Grams is the first one to jump at the chance to Travel over to Totoro island for a coffee and a chit chat, she wanted to bring the whole family along!
She was telling me about her stepping back from working in the tortimer island gift shop and teaching Leila how to run it, while still having her buy island items off you for 2 bells each.
A future tom nook in the making!


Also while talking i learned that not much has changed at tormiter island, Leilani still organises the games for the tourists to have fun doing! It's so nice to hear that it's just as it was when I was going to the island daily.

Time got away from us, and before we knew it Grams Dodo airlines flight was scheduled for arrival, it was sadly time to say goodbye but we will definitely meet up soon!

It was so amazing to catch up with an old friend in the cosy cafe, it got me thinking of my time travelling to tomriter island

~I wonder if the medals I collected from the tours are still valid?​
Dear Diary..... Chai is Camping!

As a massive cinnamoroll fan i wanted to meet up with fellow fans, who better than chai?
I knew she would love to come visit the island for a night and the camping spot is not being used today, we should invite her over via the town hall!


Once invited she was on the next flight over with her camping gear, obviously a warm welcome was needed so I headed straight over to the campsite to see if she needed anything to make her stay better!


She wanted a souvenir, a specific request, requiring my crafting skills. What an amazing way to show off totoro island than making an amazing item for her house back home!


The Box seat was a cute idea that she wanted made, of course i needed to make it white to go with her Cinnamoroll house!
It looked so cute, I think I might re craft this item and have them in my own house!


I went back to show her the item I made for her! She is overjoyed so much that she wants to come back and visit as soon as she is able to! A win win if you ask me.
After talking about our joint love for a few minutes, half an hour got away from me! Ooh i need to head off but Chai you're always welcome!!

~I need to see if Able sisters Sell The Tea cup hat….​
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