Lighthouse or windmill

cornymikey said:
pl0xman123 said:
Mr_Hobo said:
I have both. Using ACTOOLKIT works like a charm.
That's impossible.
no, it isnt. its hax.
I can hack myself. I even have ACtoolkit.
What I was saying "That's impossible" to, was the fact that he said he has both.. which is completely IMPOSSIBLE. The windmill/lighthouse is not the list of stuff you can put in your town.
I want the lighthouse. It just looks better in my opinion. I will probably switch with the windmill if I ever get to that point after the lighthouse.

We seem to always get to this point on every single lighthouse v/s windmill post I've ever seen on here. Look, everyone, base this SOLELY on which one you think looks cooler. Because, you see, they do nothing for your town. No, the lighthouse does not attract rare fish. No, the windmill does not increase the number of hybrids, or attract rare bugs. No, neither one increases your town rating. They are ornaments. They are about as useful as the flag outside a paid-off home.

Sooo... yeah... how many lighthouse v/s windmill posts have there been on here anyway?
I Like The LightHouse Because It is From the Original Animal Crossing For the GameCube.
Now Only if they let you inside of the darn thing.
TigerCrossing said:
A lighthouse.
It look so much better then the windmill.
And rare fish sell for more. XP
Rare fish do not sell for more. There are more rare bugs that sell for 10k+ than there are fish that sell for 10k+

And yes it does help with fish and bugs. I have tested it going back and forth between both the lighthouse and the windmill. I definitely get more palm beetles and rare bugs with the windmill, and definitely get more sharks and the like with the lighthouse
Windmill looks nicer but appartently Lighthouse gives you better fish chancecs so i picked lighthouse