Can I have my name moved from the list please? You all don't even talk outside the chat so seems pointless to have me on the list.
Also I just want to give the new people a warning. There will be a lot of people just lurking and half the time you won't get a reply from a single person so if that makes you feel uncomfortable I wouldn't join.
The members list haven't been updated in a while and I apologize for that.
I'm not sure if you know but not getting a reply for something you said is pretty common on chat rooms. Please remember that most of the people on this chat use their phone to communicate while on the go and they're not always available to converse. Often times people don't know what to say so they stayed silent. While it seems like people are ignoring you, they actually read your message but either couldn't take time to type a reply, couldn't think of a way to reply, or plenty of other reasons, but not because they're ignoring you.
This is might be the fault of conflicting timezones and schedules. Most people in the chat are in the US, are students or are working. They would only be available to chat when they're on break, done with school or work, or at home. They might also have the group notifications muted so they wouldn't be able to see new messages quickly.
As someone who lives on the different side of the globe from most of the chat members, I also occasionally didn't get any replies for something I said. Mostly because by the time I'm available to chat, everyone would be asleep or busy preparing for their day. I would have to stay up late at night so I can talk with everyone, where they would be available. This something I'm very familiar with as most if my online friends are from the US, so I know what time I should be on if I want to talk with them. Vice versa if my US friends wants to talk to me, they'd have to stay up to match my timezone too.
I admit that the OP might give off the vibe that we'll always be available to chat, but the OP was written back when the group is small and very active. The group is almost a year old and have changed a lot since then. I will change the OP to reflect the changes, and add the warning that you might not get replies, with the reason as I stated above. I won't be able to write it ASAP as I just started college and kinda distracted with real life issues, so editing might take a while. Thank you for letting me know.
...This reply turned out long, sorry! I'm really just trying to explain everything so there won't be a misunderstanding, and I hope my explanation would suffice.