Senior Member
So, me and my friend Julia were bored. So we made some poems. I'm editing some so I won't post them yet. Please enjoy them!
Life is Like a Book
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Life is like a book,
that I am loath to finish
or else a dreadful, deplorable one
I fear will never end
part mystery, part comedy
but mostly it's monotony:
prosaic, dull, monotony:
not really drama
not quite difficult
with just the right amount of surprises
to command me to continue reading.</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Seasons pass by, one by one.
Beggining with winter
frosty, chilly, cozy winter.
Walking by a garbage can, feeling the breeze pass through your soul.
Ending with the sun melting white, fluffy ice. Ending up with 8 buttons , a hat, and a carrot.
One by one, I repeat, seasons pass by.
Arrives spring,
gloomy, wet, cloudy, black spring.
Hiding under your purple umbrella, carefully listening to the rain drops slamming on it's roof.
Closing with grey clouds slowly fading away, transforming into white.
Tik tok, goes Earth, switching to the next season;
summer secretly walks in
warm, rainy, mild, free summer.
Kids running around, having contests to see who lasts longer under water.
Finishing up with trees changing into Thanksgiving colors.
Spinning Earth to stop at their last season.
Gasps arrive when smelling autumn
sweet, comforting, colorful, calm autumn.
Piling up red, yellow, and orange. Jumping roughly into the leaves.
Ending with a big turkey and a cool breeze floating in.
Starting all over the seasons go.</div>
Life is..
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Did you really just ask me; what life is? Well, fine, you want your answer. Here it is: Life is opening a pickle jar, diffuculty arrives when you think it's gonna be easy. It gets stuck and you give up. Some people think of a solution to open that pickle jar. A rag, something rubbery? Those people, my friend, are the ones who are standing upon Earth right now. Now that is life. A pickle jar.</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Walking like you belong down the hallway. Gasp! You quickly stop... In front of you, what do you see? Your new future enemy.
He asks you for 6 bucks, shaking your hand in your pocket...
You find a button and an old lollipop rapper...
You look straight up at the bully.. 4...3...2... You dissapear.
Running down your hallway like your gonna reach death.
Bully catches you "10:00, my place." .. 9 hours later.
DING DING DING! Your facing him, he's facing you. With all your strength you swing your arm at the bully.... next thing you know...... Sweet death.</div>
Please commet! Thanks for reading them!
Special thanks to Julia
Life is Like a Book
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Life is like a book,
that I am loath to finish
or else a dreadful, deplorable one
I fear will never end
part mystery, part comedy
but mostly it's monotony:
prosaic, dull, monotony:
not really drama
not quite difficult
with just the right amount of surprises
to command me to continue reading.</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Seasons pass by, one by one.
Beggining with winter
frosty, chilly, cozy winter.
Walking by a garbage can, feeling the breeze pass through your soul.
Ending with the sun melting white, fluffy ice. Ending up with 8 buttons , a hat, and a carrot.
One by one, I repeat, seasons pass by.
Arrives spring,
gloomy, wet, cloudy, black spring.
Hiding under your purple umbrella, carefully listening to the rain drops slamming on it's roof.
Closing with grey clouds slowly fading away, transforming into white.
Tik tok, goes Earth, switching to the next season;
summer secretly walks in
warm, rainy, mild, free summer.
Kids running around, having contests to see who lasts longer under water.
Finishing up with trees changing into Thanksgiving colors.
Spinning Earth to stop at their last season.
Gasps arrive when smelling autumn
sweet, comforting, colorful, calm autumn.
Piling up red, yellow, and orange. Jumping roughly into the leaves.
Ending with a big turkey and a cool breeze floating in.
Starting all over the seasons go.</div>
Life is..
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Did you really just ask me; what life is? Well, fine, you want your answer. Here it is: Life is opening a pickle jar, diffuculty arrives when you think it's gonna be easy. It gets stuck and you give up. Some people think of a solution to open that pickle jar. A rag, something rubbery? Those people, my friend, are the ones who are standing upon Earth right now. Now that is life. A pickle jar.</div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Walking like you belong down the hallway. Gasp! You quickly stop... In front of you, what do you see? Your new future enemy.
He asks you for 6 bucks, shaking your hand in your pocket...
You find a button and an old lollipop rapper...
You look straight up at the bully.. 4...3...2... You dissapear.
Running down your hallway like your gonna reach death.
Bully catches you "10:00, my place." .. 9 hours later.
DING DING DING! Your facing him, he's facing you. With all your strength you swing your arm at the bully.... next thing you know...... Sweet death.</div>
Please commet! Thanks for reading them!
Special thanks to Julia