Live action Little Mermaid

Reginald Fairfield

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2017
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I'm seeing headlines that Ariel is going to be played by a singer by the name of Halle Bailey. Thoughts? I have to look up who this is now.
She's an amazing singer, her voice is beautiful!
I really don't see a problem with her being cast as Ariel, and I'm excited about it even though I'm not a big fan of The Little Mermaid.
The uproar over the casting is so cringe imo. Does nobody remember how fantastic Brandy was as Cinderella in the live action one? Ad Whitney Houston as the fairy godmother? And the Asian guy who played Prince Charming?
I don't really know anything about the new actress, so I'll just have to wait until the movie comes out to have much of an opinion on her as an actress, but I don't care about her not being white, that's so silly to me that so many people would make a deal out of that.

I'm mostly excited to see what they do with the underwater aesthetic and hope they make it really stylized and beautiful.
The uproar over the casting is so cringe imo. Does nobody remember how fantastic Brandy was as Cinderella in the live action one? Ad Whitney Houston as the fairy godmother? And the Asian guy who played Prince Charming?

That was a lower budget, made for tv, musical event. Brandy deserved better. How about The Wiz?

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I don't really know anything about the new actress, so I'll just have to wait until the movie comes out to have much of an opinion on her as an actress, but I don't care about her not being white, that's so silly to me that so many people would make a deal out of that.

I'm mostly excited to see what they do with the underwater aesthetic and hope they make it really stylized and beautiful.

I'm guessing full cg backgrounds, plus their tails.
I think it's neat that they race swapped the only ginger Disney princess.

Ginger kids don't deserve representation because they don't have souls.
I'm obviously joking. Gingers of any age don't have souls
Please God MAKE IT STOP. We don’t need anymore of these miserable uninspired remakes just make original movies again. Please.
Please God MAKE IT STOP. We don’t need anymore of these miserable uninspired remakes just make original movies again. Please.

I knew there was going to be a live action Little Mermaid. Since maybe 2016 or 2017. But here’s some advice for Disney.

1. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
2. You only get one chance with a movie. Whether it’s good or bad, one is enough.
3. Animation does not do well in live action. And live action does not do well in animation.
And live action does not do well in animation.

King of the Hill would beg to differ (though thats the only show that makes animated live-action work).

But yeah I really think they need to stop. It comes off as pure laziness and lack of creativity at this point.
I think it's neat that they race swapped the only ginger Disney princess.

Ginger kids don't deserve representation because they don't have souls.
I'm obviously joking. Gingers of any age don't have souls

What if that actress dyed her hair red? That means we’ll still have a black actress for Ariel, but she still has red hair.
Over the years I?ve become disillusioned (and quite cynical) about Disney as a company, so nothing they do can really shock or disappoint me anymore. I was honestly tired of the live-action remakes before the first one even came out?because I just knew they?d start rolling out one after another.

In general though, the casting doesn?t bother me one bit. It?ll mean a lot to little (and big!) girls of color to see themselves represented, which is good enough a reason in my book tbh. Ariel?s skin tone is really inconsequential to the character?if anything it?s the red hair that?s iconic, not her whiteness. She might still be a redhead regardless of her race, though part of me wonders if they decided against it because the red wouldn?t show well underwater in a realistic setting?

But yeah I really think they need to stop. It comes off as pure laziness and lack of creativity at this point.

What it really comes down to, though, is a smart business decision?remakes and sequels are guaranteed to make money. It?s the same reason TV series continue on long after their prime, or why we keep getting shows following the same formulas?they involve much less risk than a new, unproven project. It?s a sad reality in the Film/TV industry.
I don't really care about the movie itself.
But I have to admit that the drama around it got me FLABBERGASTED. To say the least.
I live in France so my twitter bascially only displayed french tweets discussing the "issue".
I knew my country was kinda racist but damn this is scary. The fact that most of the people who are annoyed are grown white men is just ridiculous lmao.
And the fact that they're calling this, get this, cultural appropriation... I'm speechless tbh.
I had hope for my country but now I guess we're just doomed to fall.
There is no problem with a black Ariel at all + the actress is actually extremely pretty.
I'm just tired of this whole "ugh we're forced to see black/LGBTQ+ people on TV! Ugh what will our very well educated kids think!".
I... I just hope they'll rot in hell.
What’s the deal with so many live action Disney remakes? They did this since 2014 IIRC.