Shop Liz's 2 TBT New Horizons Shop - CLOSED!

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  1. TBT Bells
Hiya, please can I get these DIYs?

stacked fish containers
Wooden end table
Apple jam
Outdoor picnic set
Orange marmalade

For 10tbt

Thank you very much 😊
Could I please order these recipes:
- wooden block chest
- hanging terrarium
- timber doorplate
- wooden table

Hiya, I would like to order these recipes/items if available:
  • beehive DIY
  • birdcage DIY
  • plain wooden sign post DIY
  • shell stool DIY
  • wooden box DIY
  • wooden storage shed DIY
  • frog model
  • monarch butterfly model
  • paper kite butterfly model
  • snail model
  • yellow butterfly model
Thanks very much! 🌼
Hi Liz! May I have the iron ladder set up kit, decayed tree, forbidden altar, gear tower, gear apparatus, apple jam, bread, carpaccio di capesante, carrot bagel sandwich, French fries, minestrone soup, mushroom salad, peach jam, potato curry, pull apart bread, salad de carrottes rapees, snack bread, spaghetti marinara, tomato bagel sandwich, apple smoothie, orange jelly, pear jelly, thumbprint jam cookies, and tomato juice?
I believe its a total of 24 items, so 48 TBT total. Thank you!
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Hey Liz, I was wondering if I could buy these villager pictures from you:
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Hi again Liz, I’d like to order these DIYs:
Cherry-blossom bonsai
Cherry-blossom branches
Cherry-blossom flooring
Cherry-blossom petal pile
Cherry-blossom pond stone
Cherry-blossom trees wall
Cherry-blossom wand
Sakura-wood flooring
Sakura-wood wall
and a Shell music box.
I would also love to take advantage of your free material stacks (if I could have 3 stacks of cherry-blossom petals, 1 of gold nugget, and 1 of customization kits please). Thanks!
Hi again Liz, am I able to order these DIYs?

Golden gear apparatus DIY
Tension-pole rack DIY

Total I believe is 2 TBT. Thank you so much! =]
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