LMAO can somebody explain what's going on with my paths or


perfect peach 🍑✨
Aug 28, 2013
White Pansy
White Violet
White Hyacinth
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Heart of the Forest
Kwanzaa Candy
Green Star Fragment
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Matryoshka Doll
i finally unlocked the qr on my mule and i read and saved 2 sets of ponds and streams and i laid them down around my house and around zuckers house. i saved everything, it's like 20 tiles in total, with mabel and then i cleared out my design inventory to make room for new ones and the freaking tiles i put down in my town all turned white??? like it's really cute???? so basically like does anyone know if you can only use the tiles in your immediate inventory in the town? like can you only use 10 different tiles per character for a total of only 40 tiles if you sacrifice ever wearing custom designs? cause that's ridiculous, that's enough for like 2 paths and a pond? like what's the point of being able to save so many designs if they don't even transfer over lmao and i'm pretty sure i was able to successfully transfer the design for my town flag into mabels inventory and have it still show up so maybe i'm just doing it wrong? but having only 40 tiles available and all this extra space you can't use seems like almost cruel lmao
You can only use the patterns in your inventory, if you delete/switch it then it's no longer usable.
that is 100000000% ridiculous omfg how is anything even possible then? like literally

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like literally my mind is blown by that LMFAO what are they thinking with half the features in this game??? seriously??? like literally what is the point of having all these extra slots on mabel on all these extra characters if they're literally for nothing omfg i'm so bewildered right now so i basically can only have one path and i have to rethink my entire town. oh my god like i can't comprehend how i'm going to only use like 39 tiles just lmfao wtf are they thinking seriously oh my god.
That's actually probably really difficult for them to do. You see, the way I think patterns work is that the pattern in your inventory stores all the data. When you place it on the ground, instead of creating a whole new section to store the data of the pattern on the ground, it instead just says "this spot here is taken by this pattern" and makes a reference back to it.

Now, if they were to do what you said, they'd have to set aside a lot of data as each pattern on the ground that got erased from your inventory has become a new separate object.

It's complicated, but it's the reason why we can't have what you want.

In my opinion, 40 spaces is plenty.
honestly if they can do it for the town flag they can do it for the ground patterns. the fact alone that the technology for this game exists i mean like they can obviously figure it out. it is obviously possible. to the point where i never even imagined i would have this problem and i had all these elaborate plans for my town which i promise you 40 tiles was not enough for me for lmao. i seriously just don't understand why they would give you all this extra space, like you're obviously not actually playing as 4 characters and using all that space for clothing. i'm definitely going to probably use like half of 1 out of 3 slots on each of my mules and there will be tons of extra space going unused lmao and besides now i'm sitting here like meticulously counting out how many of which path sets i'm going to need and which tiles i can technically leave out. like bully that it's not a problem for you but it's a problem for me lmao and i mean there are so many other stupid needless inconveniences in this game.
i'm just stating my opinion i don't need a million coming in here like "don't play it then!" ok
The flag is just one thing. There are a lot of places for ground patterns. It's a large amount of data they'd have to store.

like bully that it's not a problem for you but it's a problem for me lmao and i mean there are so many other stupid needless inconveniences in this game.

Are you calling me a bully for explaining this?

it's a large amount of data YOU'D have to store on a separate sd card. the amount of data you could potentially use in this game is pretty much unlimited since you can store it externally. besides it's a freaking pixel image, you can literally count the pixels in it how big can it possibly be? they can make it 3d but they can't store a few more pixels? i mean seriously think about the amount of things they programmed into this game and tell me it's not possible. lmao

"bully for you" means "good for you" ???? how would that even make sense gramatically for me to be calling you a bully
anyway i'm finished defending my opinion lmao i started this thread to ask a question and it was answered so i'm going to go continue trying to deal with the problem you're insisting doesn't exist lmao
Sorry you don't seem like someone who knows much about proper grammar. I guess there's a cultural difference in which "bully" means "good". Eh, who knew?