Lobo or Dobie?

. Rarity .

A Beautiful Heart
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Toy Hammer
Blue Train Engine
Im trying to make a desision, and Im not quite sure about which I should add? They're both great wolves!

Forgot to mention, Fang, Chief, Wolfgang, and Kyle are all scanned in. I wish I could have both, but its a half and half island. Due to the theme its all the male wolves.(The orher half are cats)

Who do you prefer?
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I love both of them. Lobo, Dobie, and Freya are my favorite Wolves. Lobo and Freya both have those cool eyes, while Dobie has that unique elderly design.

I'll go with Lobo since he always seems to exist in Wolfgang's shadow in terms of general popularity, though I expect the trend if more people respond will probably lean more toward Dobie since he's also beloved for his design.

You won't really be going wrong with either of them though, as far as I'm concerned.
Lobo is one of my favorite villagers in any Animal Crossing game, so I vote for him. I first saw him in my campsite in New Leaf, and I invited him in, and he lived in my town for many years, and he's adorable when he smiles.

7:8:13 U (Lobo - happy face).jpg
I'd say it depends on what you're going for. I agree with themysterybidder that Dobie gives off a grandpa vibe, but in my opinion Lobo is cuter. Without considering what you're looking for I'd suggest going with Dobie.
I love both. While I prefer Lobo over Dobie, I'd say go with the lovely elderly wolf grandpappy. It's nice to add a variety of ages in the island.
Ohhhh Lobo is so dear to me! He's one of those nostalgic villagers that will always have a special place in my heart.

He was one of the very first villagers in my first New Leaf town. His house was right in front of the Town Hall and it annoyed me very much, but he stayed with me until the end when I reset the save. He never moved back in, as now I prefer other wolves, but I adore him very much.
Very tough choice! I personally have no preference between the two as I like both, but here's how I would decide it:
The wolves you currently have all have very youthful appearances, and while Lobo does have some "wrinkles" in his design, Dobie definitely nails the old look more, so if you wanted to add more age variety I'd say Dobie.
Also Lobo is a Type B cranky, and all your current cranky wolves are Type B's as well; Dobie is a Type A so that would be another point to distinguish him a bit more from the others!

I do know that of the two Dobie is the more popular one usually, so I almost want to go to bat for Lobo because of that lol They're both so cute though, so you win either way XD
oh i love both so much! I currently have both on my island. Lobo is just such a classic villager. On my island, I like to imagine that Lobo and Shari are married. I love the way Lobo bickers with her and the other villagers. He’s so outspoken and I love that for him.

I also have this like headcanon about Dobie’s background. With his looks, house interior, and apparent age I think he’s a retired detective. However, I think it goes deeper than that. I think while he is retired, he’s haunted by a specific case. I believe the case is unsolved and is now some old cold case. I think Dobie is still trying to figure out what happened because he never could back in the day. I think that’s why he’s a cranky old man that prefers solitude. Perhaps he can’t move on until it’s solved.
They are both wonderful, so I'd pick whichever one's house matches best or which house would be more fun to design around for your island.
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oh i love both so much! I currently have both on my island. Lobo is just such a classic villager. On my island, I like to imagine that Lobo and Shari are married. I love the way Lobo bickers with her and the other villagers. He’s so outspoken and I love that for him.

I also have this like headcanon about Dobie’s background. With his looks, house interior, and apparent age I think he’s a retired detective. However, I think it goes deeper than that. I think while he is retired, he’s haunted by a specific case. I believe the case is unsolved and is now some old cold case. I think Dobie is still trying to figure out what happened because he never could back in the day. I think that’s why he’s a cranky old man that prefers solitude. Perhaps he can’t move on until it’s solved.

I <3 your Dobie story! I always imagine that he's a retired detective who solves cozy mysteries in his spare time.
I've had both in the past, but I'd go with Dobie! He's one of the few villagers that actually looks elderly, and it makes a nice change from all the 'younger' looking villagers in the game.
9 Dobie

9 Lobo


I'll give it a few more days! But Ive got an idea now. I did not expect them to be equal. Thank you for the help, everyone. Also @DJ-Mika For pointing out the type B personality, thats defently something to keep in mind.

I dont really have a appearence prefrence, im choosing dependinh on something else
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