Look How Much Animal Crossing Has Changed

wow, hearing that old music makes me want to play the gamecube version right now... i miss it so much... =*(
ricano4life said:
yup it has changed alot, but i do miss the music from it x[
Yah me too the GC music was awesome. It make you addicted to the game and it doesnt had the stupid feature of grass degradation.
I never did the moring aerobics thing in GC AC, but it looks sweet. I agree totally that the music was way better. I loved the music when it rained.
One other thing I miss is an animal saying 'Nintendo!' when you turn on the game. That and there would be a different animal each time when you press start. It's always Rover now. :(
This video brings back memories :'(
AC:CF has come a long way from GC

The old things like a dump are replaced with a new recyle bin
The island replaced with wi-fi
also copper and whatever his name used to be police and now there gate keeper people..i wish they made the police station again and made new people for the gate keeper people
If only they combined AC:CG and WW together lol
but I guess in with the new and out with the old