Looking for: Axe, wet suit, various fruits, Zelda items


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2012
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Now looking for:

Hero's clothes (tunic/shirt)
Varia Suit + pants (if there is one)

FC is in my sig/profile. Thank you for looking!

edit: Darn, I made a mistake. I meant for this to go in the selling sub-forum...
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I have majoras mask, hero's cap, hero's boots, and I might have pants.
PM me if you want to work something out :)
I have apples and pears ... well i sold the apples so the trees don't have any on them lol but pears are plenty
a kimono if you have one if not it free

I haven't seen one, sorry... But sure, thank you.

I have majoras mask, hero's cap, hero's boots, and I might have pants.
PM me if you want to work something out :)

If you still have them in an hour or so, I shall! (Wasn't expecting all those at once :p )

I have apples and pears ... well i sold the apples so the trees don't have any on them lol but pears are plenty

Sweet. Want anything in particular for those?

EDIT: Bought an axe.
I have 'em all right...
Zelda items are like my least favorite XD
Just PM what you have for them and when you want to come.
Wetsuits are cool :3
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I now only need Link's Tunic. Got the others and a wetsuit.
(thanks Eridan Ampora!)
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