Looking for Co-Founders (^-^)

Samanthers (^-^)

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2015
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Hello! I'm Sam and I was wondering if anyone would like to be a Co-Founder of a Book Club!
It will be kinda like a team but not really.... I was thinking more of a community inside a community! People can make friends and join in book discussion! We can also have game nights with trivia and giveaways!

I didn't really want to start it myself so would anyone like to join me???:D
I'd join!

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I'm pretty active on the forum so I could advertise and host things and stuff :3
Thank you~
(TBH I thought no one would like the idea)
That would be awesome!

I'm sure some people would love to join! I could recruit some artists like simple to make banners or badges advertising the group (of course we'd have to combine money so It'd be fair, unless someone would want to donate)
I'm sure some people would love to join! I could recruit some artists like simple to make banners or badges advertising the group (of course we'd have to combine money so It'd be fair, unless someone would want to donate)

That's an awesome idea! I haven't really been in the art area of these forums but I might have enough to pay for a nice logo or banner! I don't really have anything else to spend my BTB on
That's an awesome idea! I haven't really been in the art area of these forums but I might have enough to pay for a nice logo or banner! I don't really have anything else to spend my BTB on

It might help attract people if they know they'll get a nice banner to put in their sig. What would we name the group?
Omg thats really cute! I love it! So, how would people join? Would there be like a fee or something? I would think we would use the BTB for giveaways and events for Team Bookworm

I think joining should be free but we should make it clear that donations are very appreciated. If we get enough TBT we could use it to purchase the group item from the shop, but it's not really necessary. I think using it for giveaways would be a better idea.
I think joining should be free but we should make it clear that donations are very appreciated. If we get enough TBT we could use it to purchase the group item from the shop, but it's not really necessary. I think using it for giveaways would be a better idea.

Good idea! I feel like we have at least enough bells to start it! I would guess the thread would be posted in The Basement because it is technically a team
How do newbies get so much TBT lmao

I'd be happy to be co founder :)
I love books


OMG MY 2,000th post I didn't even know
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Congratulations! The three of us is a perfect team! So, where to start guys?

Well, we should start by posting in either the Basement or Brewster's cafe, we can tell about us and after we could maybe recruit someone for a banner. How's that sound?
Well, we should start by posting in either the Basement or Brewster's cafe, we can tell about us and after we could maybe recruit someone for a banner. How's that sound?

That's perfect! Get ourselves out there before we get a huge flashy banner!

Here are some things I things we would want to mention:

Introduce ourselves
How to join
Events and things we do

And later we can add things for them to put in their sigs

Ta da


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I'd use it but I'd make it a little thinner just so it could fit in the signature guidelines.

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That's perfect! Get ourselves out there before we get a huge flashy banner!

Here are some things I things we would want to mention:

Introduce ourselves
How to join
Events and things we do

And later we can add things for them to put in their sigs

Since you came up with the whole idea do you want to post?