Looking For Looking for Eugene, Tasha and more!


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2014
100% (11) +

I’ve decided to pick ACNL back up after the Switch announcement, and I want to fill my town with some villagers that I really like, but haven’t used before. So im hoping for a little help!
I have a few tbt (as u can see) but I don’t really have any IGB to give.

I’m Looking for:
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You can get Gonzo! If someone scans him into their town and moves him out, you can get him. It's just amiibo FIGURES that won't work. All cards minus the Sanrio cards can be obtained from other people.

Best of luck! :lemon:
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I can offer you Erik and Eugene for like, 40 TBT, if that’s okay with you!
I've scanned Blanche into my town. Please let me know when you are free to pick her up. c:
I'm heading to sleep now. I've boxed Blanche and am opening up my gates. Feel free to pick her up at any point or let me know if there are any difficulties and I will address them when I wake up. Please send TB once you have picked her up. c:
hi! I don’t have any of the villagers ur looking for but I’m interested in Deli! how much are u looking for him?
Ahhh I wish I saw your post 2 minutes earlier, he JUST asked to move out as I was preparing another villager to move >_<

You can have Deli for 15 tbt! It’ll take a bit for me to get him ready tho if that’s okay
yeah, I won’t be home for a couple hours anyways so that’s fine!
That’d be awesome! I just need a bit of time to get some space in my town for them c:
just letting u know that I’m home now so I can get Deli whenever!
Hey, Deli’s ready! He did change his shirt unfortunately, but besides that he should be completely original as well.

EDIT : WAIT just kidding, I told him he could move and then he changed his mind. Sorry I’LL KEEP TRYING

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I have Eugene in my town, I've been trying to get someone to take him so if you're interested you can have him for free, let me know.