Looking For Looking for Eugene, Tasha and more!

It’s been awhile since I’ve played new leaf so I forgot about all the tips and how I could have just not saved... sorry about that

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Yeah that’d be awesome! Eugene is probably my #1 priority
Sorry for not getting back to you, I?ve been busy with school! It looks like you might be getting Eugene from someone else, but I can still trade you Erik as soon as you have the space (or both of them, if the trade falls through.) I?ll be on for the rest of tonight and tomorrow morning, so just let me know when!
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Yeah no problem! I can trade for Erik now at least, if you're ready at this moment!
Cool, just give me like, fifteen minutes to get him boxed up for you!
Alright, I’m opening my gates for you now, just drop by as soon as you’re able! :)
I don't have any of the characters you want unfortunately, but... can I get Hazel from you? I can offer TBT just name your price
Yeah totally! I’m currently holding onto a villager for someone else at the moment but I can probably get her to you tomorrow after 3 pm EST.
I can send her off for 10 tbt