Trading Looking for francine...

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oh lol! yeah Just keep me posted ! Really would love her! It would make my day.

What timezone are you in? O:
Yeah sure. I'll reply to this thread as soon as she pings me to leave.

I'm in GMT right now so it's only 12:23pm here lol
@ Razzy

Just trying to help when I can! So glad you got her.

<3 <3 <3
Bump to see if anyone might have her moving out!
I've seen so many Francine's voided..
thats nice ; A ; but when does she think she can get her out ; _ ;

Theres just so many francine trades I've gone through or francines getting voided or me missing out on her for like 300k.. lol It's just a pipe dream now! Urgh
She said sometime soon, but if you cant
pick her up right away Id be happy to hold her in my cycling town for you^~^
We'll see about that. She has a knack for slipping through my fingers.
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I have her and she'll be in boxes on Saturday (the 16th). I'd be more than happy to just give her to you if you don't have her by then. I'm on Pacific time btw.
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oh my gosh that would be wonderful.
Do you not TT ? so you could get her into boxes sooner? I don't know if I'll be here on the weekend that is.. and dont want her to get voided.
I don't TT :( I'm sorry. I just have a weird thing where I can't bring myself to do it. But I'll probably be around all day that day and can check here regularly in case you do get a spare few minutes and still need her.
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That'll be great. I'll try pming you when I get a spare chance! Thanks so much!
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