Looking for friends


Junior Member
Jul 9, 2018
0% (0) +
good evening everyone,
I just started a new town but none of my friends play AC:NL.
I'd like to play online,so I hope to find someone to play with on this forum
Here's my friend code
(also my sibling already bought all the tools and didn't leave nothing to me:()
It's a wild world(ba-dum tssss:cool:)so I'd also like to know about the risks of playing online(griefing/scamming)and where to find a good guide about this topic
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Sure! Lemme know if you'd like to play sometime :p

FC to left, town is Oran-nei
Added all of you,but the only one who has confirmed the request was beetlebootboot
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Hi you can add me more the merrier

(I like your joke with the wild world)
I added you to my friend list. Please add me back! :)

If anyone else here wants to add me, please notify me if you did!:blush:
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Oooo add me too! Same, none of my friends play AC:NL
I'm always down to make new friends!
I've added you! You can add me too! Love to have some more friends to play with!:D:D:D