Looking for Late Night Adult Friends


greetings :]
Jun 11, 2013
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
100% (75) +
Hello! My name is Erica. I'm 27 years old and married with a full time job. I play a lot at night time (Eastern time zone) and I'm looking for some other adult friends who either play late nights like me (10-2am ish) or friends who live on the west coast.

My friends code is:
5086 - 0657 - 0128
Hi there! My name is Jonathan and I am 32 and I am in the Eastern time zone as well. I work third shift so I stay on a late night schedule on my days off. My 3ds name is Jonathan and my FC is 0731-5655-3474. :)
Wonderful! Would you be up for a visit? I just got this game yesterday and haven't seen much of the world yet :p
Sure! Would you like to come to my town (it's night owl!) or would you like me to visit?
I will come visit you. I don't think you would find much to do in my town. Would you like some oranges? I have a few left from the ones I sold.
I would love some oranges! I'm opening my gates right now--- and I left some fruit for you as soon as you come in.
If you still have room I would be interested, FC on the left, I'll add you now if you have no violent objections
-edit- 21 if you wanted to know
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hello peoples, 21, im an up on late guy, on now actually.
looking for some FC's??
25 here another night owl (mostly). I added a few of you if you don't mind :).
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Hey Im Alex Im 23 I stay up pretty much all night till 4:00 in the morning :> My friend code is to the left.
My villager just sold me a fake painting for almost 5k :(

Yea I'll open mine up, not much going on though.