Looking for (more) critique


A Homie
Mar 24, 2019
Pink Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
About a week ago I uploaded some artwork here and asked for some feedback on the piece. The main feedback was essentially "more shading" & "try to make it look more clean". I have been trying to improve my style and have made several pieces since then, but only one that I think deserves to be uploaded here. I am happy with the piece but just like last time: I appreciate ALL feedback, but please try to look for the negative parts or just bits you dislike about my piece.

Previous thread: https://www.belltreeforums.com/threads/looking-for-feedback.567052/#post-9495076



That looks super cute! Maybe try to make the hair line art the same colour, so in this case, the line art would be dark pink, a fucsia colour and for the clothing, black looks nice. More shadowing in the face and more details would also make ur pixels look better!
That looks super cute! Maybe try to make the hair line art the same colour, so in this case, the line art would be dark pink, a fucsia colour and for the clothing, black looks nice. More shadowing in the face and more details would also make ur pixels look better!
Thank you I did actually try to put shading across the face but I guess it does look way too subtle