Looking for more people to play with, I"m over 30 for any adult gamers out there.


Any nighttime, or international players around that I could play with after all my stores are closed for the evening?
How do I visit another town? I can't figure it out lol. Do I visit a far away town or a nearby town?
Yeah, I think I'm gonna put myself in here as well.

I've already made brief acquaintances with vdizzie over there, but if anyone's interested to try their luck with me (because that's what it is on the first contact, in my opinion), then... yeah, you know where to find the relevant data. =D
I'm 19 and I'm extremely respectful of other towns. I'm adding you now:). Could you add me as well? My FC is under my avatar.
Everyone in this topic has been added!

Also anyone keep their gates open long? Been rarely seeing any towns to visit and hardily anyone visits me.
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Tried to add everyone. If I missed someone, please feel free to PM me with your Friend Code. I'm getting very into Animal Crossing and would like to make hanging out a regular occurrence.
I'll add you also crynal, I'm 26. I play when I can but I have a lot of commitments. See you another time - back to studying for exams now :p
I just got the game a few days ago... it'd be awesome to visit some other towns! I won't loot all the tasty fruits ;)