Looking For New Friends!


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2018
0% (0) +
Animal Crossing is more fun when you play with your friends! unfortunately for me, none of my friends play animal crossing.. So thats why i'm posting this! i'm really excited because I might find a new best friend! Here are a few things about me;

My Name is Julie!
I Love Animal Crossing, Harvey Street Kids, Crafting, Pranks, Halloween, And Awesome-ness!
My Favourite Villagers are Sydney, Flurry, Punchy, Apple, Tabby, Lolly, Peanut and Goldie!
I am a girl, but i'm not super duper girly and I do enjoy some things that boys do, I guess i'm a semi-tomboy.
My Friend code is; 2294-8080-0498 :blush:
Hi there! I'd love to be friends! My friend code is down below and in the sidebar! Adding yours now and would love to play together sometime! If you ever see my gates are open feel free to visit!
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i would like to be your friend too, my FC is 3669-3357-4944, my town is new therefore its empty, but maybe we can visit the island!
Hey! I would love to visit each other because my friends don't play either :( My friend code is in my sidebar and you can visit whenever you'd like!