After looking at your town, I do have some ideas that can improve your town. This is constructive feedback based upon my opinion alone so please bear that in mind. Everyone has a different taste on what makes a town look good.
Path System
You are doing really well by having a path system established (a very crucial step!), but I feel like it is a bit "blocky" which makes the paths lack flow (especially during running). This can be resolved by introducing more "roundness" in turns and intersections. I also noticed 2-wide dead-ends in certain areas in town. Even though they all went to a destination (always try to avoid dead ends that lead to nowhere), I personally would recommend making them single wide and possibly make them curve towards their destination to help "stage the scene" (I recommend this only for Player, Villager houses, and more important buildings like the Cafe & Police Station). Lastly, when it comes to the pattern used for the paths, I think you are on to a neat idea! I would highly recommend revising the pattern to make it have a clean tile with adjacent patterns and possibly make the path have a more tiled or brick look.
Bridge Placement
Nicely done! I especially love how you put a bridge close to the waterfall (a Japanese style bridge would look really cool there with bamboo and regular oak trees for cherry blossoms)!
Like you requested in this thread, your primary reason for seeking opinions is for the landscaping. Before I can give further advice on how to go about your landscaping, is there a particular theme or atmosphere you are seeking for your town? Outside of developing a path system, coming up with a town theme/atmosphere can be quite a challenge since it will determine how to design the landscaping of the town and PWPs. I will say though that you are already doing something smart by placing bushes along pathways to act as "guard rails" and to help with path retention (if you were planning on going towards natural dirt paths). Additionally, I noticed that there is a lot of fruit on the ground, is there a reason for it?
I look forward to hearing more about your vision for the town soon so I can help with landscaping ideas! If you want any help with path system or landscaping design in-game, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll be glad to help you out!

If you want to visit my town for inspiration, my Dream Address is: 4F00-00F6-46CA .