Looking for Persimmons! Trading and tours in my JP town! (Closed for now)


Senior Member
Jan 20, 2013
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Hello! I recently restarted my Japanese AC town (a little over a month ago), and I have a new US town. In my JP town, I have lychees, coconuts, bananas, cherries, apples, lemons, durians, mangoes, and pears. I'd love to trade some fruits!

I'm looking for persmimmons if anyone can help. Thanks for the oranges and peaches so far! :)
My friend codes are in my signature!
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Eridan, I can add you, sure. I'll open my gate, but I'm not sure if I have to go to the island with you or not...if I do, I'd like to allow Hobo17 to get some fruits from my town first before we leave from the island.

Hobo17, I'll add you :) Please help yourself to a basket (one, please) of each fruit you need (the baskets are by the station).

Opening my gate :)

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Crazc, sure :) I will add you. Unfortunately it's not very impressive as I started it over about a month ago and had been very busy with work (while I was still in Japan; just got home).
Sure, you may get some more fruit, but please take just a bit, so I can share with others. Frosty, some peaches would be awesome! :) I'll add you, if you'd like to come over.

Everyone: sorry it's taking me just a few minutes to get the gate open with the adding people and replying. Thanks for your patience!
My friend code is in the left. Can I get some fruits and also go on the island tour as well?

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Just clarifying, we are adding your JP Friend code right?
Okay, open now. One basket of each type of fruit per person please (so you can take as many kinds as you like, one basket each). I apologize, but I may run out, as I do not yet have many fruit trees in my town (and only cherries are left unharvested). I will try to restock what I can from the island later.

I'm sorry if I run out, but I can harvest more in a couple days. :) Anyway~

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Riiiiptide, I will add you once the gates are closed (sorry, I can't add more friends while they're open and I have been keeping others waiting).

And yes, you'll add my JP code so you can visit that town :)

I'd like to go on tours later after fruit trading :)
Cjkwolf7, I think I added you. I can check in a bit to be sure :)

Also the fruit is running out fast! Sorry about that! Again though, it will grow back, haha :)
It's full right now. Sorry! Hopefully in a little bit it will work, and there will still be a little fruit left. If not, we can try again in a couple of days once it's grown back.