Looking for Persimmons! Trading and tours in my JP town! (Closed for now)

Opening my gates if anyone wants to visit! I'm still looking for oranges but no hurry :) I currently have some lemons, durians, coconuts, lychees, pears, and cherries for the taking (as well as a free fishing rod). Feel free to visit my town and get your hair done or check the shops. :)

I might start up some tours later this evening. Hopefully all those on US games will get their islands tomorrow (or soon!)~ that's when it will unlock in my US town, at least.

I'll probably be away from the game for a little bit, so sorry if I don't respond. Feel free to take the fishing rod or some fruits by the gate (but please leave some to share with others). Thanks~
Hi Kiwala,
are you still open?
I do have orange and I need Durians, Lemons, Lychees, Mangos, Persimmons, Bananas, Coconuts


FC: 3711-7236-2501
Name: Dave
Town: Everlost
Native fruit : Orange
I'd like to come back and do some tours when you do =)

/ checkout shops too
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Added you both, Dave and Okailie. Opening again now!

And yes, it will be nice to see you again, Suchan :)
noooooo! :( I got disconnected

Happens :)
Ill come and go to make sure I keep some fruits this time XD

Thanks for the fruit! They made it home this time! hehe
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=\ got kicked then it wouldnt let me back in. Let me kno when there's an opening?
I will add you later this evening :) The town is full at present and I can't add with open gates.

Sorry to anyone trying to get in-- currently full! I wish more than three could visit at once!
Anyone up for a visit? Just started playing yesterday. I have oranges, but all my trees are stripped at the moment- I have 4 in my inventory though I think... :) Haven't played online yet, but would love to!