Looking for Respectful Visitors

Thank you for the add. I'm trying to visit, but there your town isn't showing up on the list. It might just take me a bit.
Do you have your gates open by any chance? I'm not finding your town listed when I talk to Porter.

EDIT: Same with Saria it seems.
I got an error and was sent back to my town. I can open my gates but I guarantee my town isn't as pretty as the ones I saw just now XD

My town is full right now but I'd love to visit some other time!
Nice to meet you too Peachy. :) I hope you don't mind that I added you as well.

I don't mind at all! ^^

Did my internet mess up or? o.o
I don't have any of you on my friend list anymore. :c
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I would love to add you and come over! Same goes for everyone else! :)
Hey everyone. I would love to wifi with all of you sometime. FC is in signature. Please let me know If you add me. I am 25 very respectful female player :)
I would love to add you and come over! Same goes for everyone else! :)

It says that your friend code is not valid. o_o

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Hey everyone. I would love to wifi with all of you sometime. FC is in signature. Please let me know If you add me. I am 25 very respectful female player :)

I don't see your FC??
That'd be great, thanks! I won't take long... Unless I need to talk to everyone again? Oh god. I talked to so many people though. xD And I got a drink at the Cafe!

Added Creame and Bambi!
I've added Bambi and Creame.

@Mocha - Bambi's is on the bottom of her About Me page in her profile.
I need to add everyone I added before since the internet messed up. Dx
Ahh... Bit of a shame. Everyone I added isn't there anymore. Need to add you guys back again as well.
Saria I hate to be a pain but I'm on my phone and can't find your FC :(

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Wonderk I added you but says you are still not on my list :(
Sorry about that! Had some trouble finding your friend code. Just added you.