Looking for someone to make me a signature!


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Orange (Fruit)
100% (5) +
If anyone would be willing to make me a signature, I would be eternally grateful! If possible, I would like all my villagers as pictures, or if not just my favorite villagers (Tangy & Static). I'd also like it say my name, town name, fc, and native fruit.

Willing to pay in game for this, name your price!

Thank you :)
I can do that for ya! What's the info?

Awesome! Here's the info:
Town name: E-Town
Name: Mel
FC: 0619-3892-0501
Native fruit: Oranges
Right now my villagers are: Tangy, Static, Midge, Flo, Celia, Hugh, Mac, and Queenie (but she is moving soon)
Only thing is my villagers may be changing soon if I get another to replace Queenie. Is this signature able to be changed by me if this happens? If not, maybe just my two favorites Tangy and Static.

Let me know how much you would like for this. I can pay you on the forum, or in game if you prefer.

Thank you!
I'll see what I can do about you being able to change it. How complicated or fancy do you want it? Simple like I have in my sig?
Umm, I'm not too picky so maybe I'll leave it up to you? Something girly maybe?
And voila! It is finished.


What do you think?
Glad you like it! And you should easily be able to change this up. Just boot up your paint program, find the sprite of your new character (I can link you to them), capture a screenshot, then pull the villager out of the screenshot into the sig.

As for payment, what do you think it's worth? I'll leave it up to you.
Yeah, if you could link it for me that would be great! Umm well would you prefer payment on the forum, or in game. Maybe 100 on forum, 10k in game?
I'll send you the links in a PM then! 100 forum bells is just fine.