Hi. I'm finally getting around to finishing Let's Go Eevee. I also want to finish the research tasks in Home. So, I'm looking for someone to trade with. The key thing is that the
game of origin for the Pokémon involved must be either Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee. They cannot be from Pokémon Go. So, with that in mind, I'd like to run the following trades:
You trade me literally any throwaway Pokémon, I trade you a Machoke. It evolves.
You trade back that Machamp, I trade you a Graveler. It evolves.
You trade back that Golem, I trade you a Kadabra. It evolves.
You trade back that Alakazam, I trade you a Haunter. It evolves.
You trade back that Gengar, I give you back the literally any throwaway Pokémon from the first step.
In addition, I would also like to purchase the following Pokémon. Again, the
game of origin for the Pokémon involved must be either Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee. They cannot be from Pokémon Go.
- Scyther
Alolan Sandshrew
Alolan Grimer
I'll pay 150 TBT Bells for this entire thing. Alternatively, name your own price.