Trading Looking For Wishlist Stuff! (Updated)

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  4. Wishlist Items
I have the shell table and bamboo lunch box DIYs for free if you want them :)
I have the desert princess outfit, white paw slippers, green impish wings, shell partition, shell table, stall, tiny library, bamboo lunchbox, starry sky wall (if you bring me 1 large star frag), starry sands flooring, shellfish pochette, snowflake pochette, and lily wand (if you bring me 1 white lily). Orderables are 2 TBT each and craftables are 3 TBT each, let me know if you're interested!
I have the desert princess outfit, white paw slippers, green impish wings, shell partition, shell table, stall, tiny library, bamboo lunchbox, starry sky wall (if you bring me 1 large star frag), starry sands flooring, shellfish pochette, snowflake pochette, and lily wand (if you bring me 1 white lily). Orderables are 2 TBT each and craftables are 3 TBT each, let me know if you're interested!

Yes definitely! I'll pm you :)
Hi! :) Let me know if you're interested in the tiny library diy
I Also have the elaborate kimono stand that you can either catalog for free or keep in exchange for any of my wishlist items (under my signature)
Hi! :) Let me know if you're interested in the tiny library diy
I Also have the elaborate kimono stand that you can either catalog for free or keep in exchange for any of my wishlist items (under my signature)

I would love to catalog that elaborate kimono stand!!!
I have the flower stand almost I just need 4 purple windflowers. if you have the windflowers that would be great and I could give you the stone to make the western style stone.
I have the flower stand almost I just need 4 purple windflowers. if you have the windflowers that would be great and I could give you the stone to make the western style stone.

Yes! That works! I'll pm you the dodo :D
Hello!! I have some stuff to help you out!
- antique vanity (black)
- antique wardrobe (black)
- changing room (black)
- floor light (white)
- loft bed with desk (white x white)
- low screen (dark brown x plain)
- pet bed (white x white)
- poolside bed (dark brown x white)
- rocket lamp (turquoise)
- screen (tiger)
- street organ (dark brown)
- tankless toilet (pink)
- whirlpool bath (white)
- book (encyclopedia)
- cushion (white)
- cute music player (white)
- desktop computer (pink x desktop)
- fragance sticks (black)
- pet bowl food (pink)
- portable record player (pink)
- rattan towel basket (white)
- cuckoo clock (white)

Also I can craft for you:
- cherry-blossom branches
- cherry-blossom petal-pile
- cherry-blossom pond stone
- cherry-blossom bonsai
- shell partition
- shell lamp
- bamboo wall decoration

I have a wishlist of my own if you want to trade, but I could do 2 tbt per item... pm me if interested! :) good luck!