Buying Looking for WL items

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  1. Bells
I can help you with the water cooler and space helmet! How much do you want to pay me?

Also I'm not sure what the name of this item is but I need it too. Does anyone know what it's called?
It's a merchandise table! I don't have one though. I hope you can find someone who does!
I can help you with the water cooler and space helmet! How much do you want to pay me?

It's a merchandise table! I don't have one though. I hope you can find someone who does!
Great thank you! I haven't played ACNH for a long time so I have no idea what a food price would be. How much would you like for them?
Great thank you! I haven't played ACNH for a long time so I have no idea what a food price would be. How much would you like for them?
I'm pretty rich in the game so I don't need IGB in return TBH. In fact, I'm not good with IGB pricing which is why I asked you, lol :p

Hmm... would you be willing to pay... 2 TBT for the items? I know it says you want to pay in IGB, but most people here have a lot of IGB as I do, and would be willing to help you out in exchange for TBT, which I'm pretty sure you know is not easy to obtain.
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