Global Looking forward to complete my collection! (October/2021)

Hello! Are they all NA versions? I have 311 Lottie and 316 Zipper. And I'm looking for NA version of 028 Jambette and 045 Octavian.
Hi! Would you be interested in trading your 24 Kyle or 61 Tutu for my 153 Ed?
Hi! I have 163 Ed and am interested in 142 Peck. PM me if that or a different card sounds good!

**I didn't realize I had posted on here before. I still have Ed and I'm flexible on trades
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Hi! If you're still looking for them, I have 163 Ed, 259 Stinky, & 363 Celia. Would you be willing to trade them for 038 Patty, 061 Tutu, & 095 Peanut?

PM me if interested! :D

Hey there, interested in your Knox 47, Sterling 48, and Snake 55. I have Sly 138, Ed 163, and Hopper 179. Let me know if you're interested!