Buying 🎀 Looking to buy or catalog for free these items 🎀

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Looking to buy or catalog for free these items:

Icy dress
Plastic pool
Colourful wheel
Simple pink bath Matt
Fancy party dress -pink
Princess dress -pink
Boa Blouson - purple
Long bathtub - pink
Shower booth - pink
Tankless toilet - pink
I believe that I can get you the rest of the items except for the Boa Blouson and Colorful Wheel (since bettafly21 offered already).

Edit: The items are ready for pick up or drop off.
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Ok, I just mailed you the white mosaic tile flooring and the pink refrigerator. I can order 5 more items if your list is up to date.
Alright, I'm opening my gates for friends; come grab these items:

Gas range - white
Pot rack - wooden
Dish-drying rack - red
Ironing Board - checkered (you will need to buy a custom kit to change this to checkered)
pink playroom wall

If you have any wood and iron, I can craft the ironwood items, and you can customize them:
Ironwood kitchenette- oak = 2 hardwood, 8 iron nuggets, 11 wood
Ironwood Cupboard - oak = 10 iron nuggets, 19 wood
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