Trading Looking to Trade for Wishlist Items

  1. Wishlist Items
  2. Other
Thanks for responding! :) No rush. Respond when convenient and when you’re free again.

Taking a look at yours, I’m interested in the black cotton candy, gray pool, black and white lighthouse, streetlamp, antenna, public bench, & clock; let me know if that’s too many and what ones on my list that you’d be willing to trade for.
Alright, so my colors for yours of these:
cotton candy stall
public bench
park clock

And also not the same but around 5000 miles total on both sides:
my parabolic antenna for your phone box
my streetlamp for your springy ride on

Is that alright with you? :)
Alright, so my colors for yours of these:
cotton candy stall
public bench
park clock

And also not the same but around 5000 miles total on both sides:
my parabolic antenna for your phone box
my streetlamp for your springy ride on

Is that alright with you? :)

Sounds good with me! :) I’ll need some time since I just got up and to tt and get them ready, but I’ll dm you if you’d like when I got them all ready.
Hello , if your still looking for the bone doorplate, cool Windflower wreath and iron garden table Diy’s I can give them to you.
Hello , if your still looking for the bone doorplate, cool Windflower wreath and iron garden table Diy’s I can give them to you.

Hi! I forgot to remove bone door plate from my wish list; I have that one. The other two I still need though. What would you like for them? :)
I don’t need anything for them . Giving away for free. 😃

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Don’t hesitate to dm me about diys or anything you’re looking for then, if you ever need something later on. I’ll send you a dodo code now if you’re available now. If not, we can schedule it for whenever you have time :)
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Don’t hesitate to dm me about diys or anything you’re looking for then, if you ever need something later on. I’ll send you a dodo code now if you’re available now. If not, we can schedule it for whenever you have time :)
Your welcome 😃 now is fine with me
Hello, I will have a brick Lighthouse in about 2 and 1/ 2 hours if you want to trade it.

Hi! I’m still interested in trading What would you like for it? I’ll need some time since I just woke up.

Could I trade you a black phone box for a zebra springy ride-on?

That would be great :) I just woke up so I will meed some time to get things done around the house and order it and tt. I’ll dm you when i’m ready, if that’s okay.
Hi! I’m still interested in trading What would you like for it? I’ll need some time since I just woke up.

That would be great :) I just woke up so I will meed some time to get things done around the house and order it and tt. I’ll dm you when i’m ready, if that’s okay.
Yep, I can’t promise to be online but I’ll make sure to check my dms frequently ^u^
hiya ! if you're still looking for brick lighthouses after your above trades, let me know. 😁 i have some, as well as the white pool and green phone booth.

i would be interested in trading for NM items/lost items depending on what you have 🎉
hiya ! if you're still looking for brick lighthouses after your above trades, let me know. 😁 i have some, as well as the white pool and green phone booth.

i would be interested in trading for NM items/lost items depending on what you have 🎉

Hi! Thanks for replying! Here is the list of variants I have; I also have a lost journal and book. :) I’m looking for 2 more of the lighthouses and the green phone booth. Let me know what you want so I can order them and tt to get them ready. :)
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