Global .:Looking To Trade!:.

I know some explained a bit about these but what do they do, what's the purpose, what's the rarity section like as I can get a few of these.
Bump! ~Still got alot of SP cards to trade!
Are you only looking for Vivian for your WA Cards? I have Plucky and Candi and would be willing to trade one of them for Norma.
Hi! I have Portia! Would you trade for Julian and Pelly?
Oh my gosh, you have 173 Julian! The last card in series 1-4 that we need. Please go to our thread and choose 5 cards we have that you would like. Here is the link:!-LF-lots-of-WA

Reply through PM if you like and we can trade addresses. Please like so I know you have responded. Thanks!

Sorry, please disregard this. I see that someone already requested 173 Julian before I did. :)
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Sorry for late reply's! My laptop broke so had to get a new one.
Hello! I have Monique (58)! Is there a possibility you might still have Merengue? If not I am also interested in Ankha?
I have Mathilda, Portia, and can give you Murpheys WA or Sandys WA for Shep, Bones, and Ahnka?

Ah, Shep been traded. I'll update my post, and at the mo I'll looking to trade Ahnka for Lucky, thou I still got Bones if you want to trade for him??