Lost items


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
I just found out that if you go to a lost item in inventory it says investigate and you get a clue to who it belongs to. And that if you give it to the right villager on the first try you get a better reward(and more friendship points I think). You learn something new everyday with this game. I found a notebook with a pen and the clue said most of it is illegible but you can make out the word band. So how do you figure out who it belongs to? Thanks
I just found out that if you go to a lost item in inventory it says investigate and you get a clue to who it belongs to. And that if you give it to the right villager on the first try you get a better reward(and more friendship points I think). You learn something new everyday with this game. I found a notebook with a pen and the clue said most of it is illegible but you can make out the word band. So how do you figure out who it belongs to? Thanks

I think that one is from a sisterly villager. If you have more than one then you’ll still have to guess which villager belongs to.
Most of the Animal Crossing Wikis have a guide for the description for which personality type it might belongs too. If you get a description that doesn't sound like it matches any one personality type, then it's a villager you don't have high friendship with yet. For me that's typically one of the my newer villagers.
I think if you hold onto it long enough, the villager it belongs to may approach you and ask you if you saw the lost item. This happened to me when I found something that belonged to Boyd. I didn't bother looking for the person it belonged to because I was running in-game errands, and then Boyd approached me about it and I gave him his lost item. He ended up giving me his photo.