Lots of Textures Untranslated


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2010
Throwback Tickets
Small Mailbox
3 Envelopes
First off, New Leaf is a great game - possibly my favorite in the series. However, there's a bit of a flaw: a LOT of textures with text were left completely untranslated.

Most were signs or bits on furniture. I understand that some things were left intentionally (as they were meant to look like miscellaneous text or a small description), and I also understand that this is a huge game and is bigger than any other release so far, so translating everything would be REALLY hard, especially with the time period they were given.

Here are a few instances of many.


Ice Cream Freezer


Camp Site Sign


Building Under Construction Sign


Lyle's HHA Booth


(Not Sure If Japanese Text or Decoration) Happy Home Academy Sign


Nameplates in Town Hall

I guess some of these may be translated in later updates, but then again, I'm not sure what the update feature covers. It just surprises me that some things that the player probably sees all the time would be left untranslated. Maybe the translation team just decided that translating these small signs and things wouldn't be worth the amount of time they had and translating the conversation text and store signs would be better.

(Oh, and maybe they were busy changing things like Club 444 to Club lol)

Otherwise, it's an amazing game that is made to be great at every little detail.
It doesn't really bother me that much. But, it's actually less than you think since Lyle's booth and the Happy Home Showcase signs aren't in Japanese but what people have actually speculated to be Hylian! Oh and just a heads up did anyone notice how the HHS sign is symmetrical with the "words" and stuff? I just noticed that recently :p
I noticed there are quite a few that are actual Japanese that they didn't bother retexturing, but some of the ones you showed aren't Japanese, they're just nonsense. I don't know where people are getting Hylian from.
It doesn't really bother me that much. But, it's actually less than you think since Lyle's booth and the Happy Home Showcase signs aren't in Japanese but what people have actually speculated to be Hylian! Oh and just a heads up did anyone notice how the HHS sign is symmetrical with the "words" and stuff? I just noticed that recently :p

Hylian, or possibly even Animalese which is what you hear when villagers talk.
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Those are Animalese. =p

It does look a lot like Hylian script, but I've been trying to translate it over and a lot of characters don't match up.
I think those examples are all intentional.

Or they weren't addressed because of time constraints- read: lazy.

Thanks jebug for the detective work! New Leaf like any amazing title will have its imperfections; this is one of them. Considering the massive content catalogue, we'll likely see a few more.
A lot of those don't look like they're written in any particular language
it's not Japanese or any other human language for that matter
they just look like they're random gibberish, possibly a language that the animals speak?
Or they weren't addressed because of time constraints- read: lazy.

Thanks jebug for the detective work! New Leaf like any amazing title will have its imperfections; this is one of them. Considering the massive content catalogue, we'll likely see a few more.

They aren't Japanese characters. Nobody was lazy. lol

It's just symbols, they don't have any meaning. Nobody will be able to translate them, unless Nintendo decides to release an Animalese alphabet.
They aren't Japanese characters. Nobody was lazy. lol

It's just symbols, they don't have any meaning. Nobody will be able to translate them, unless Nintendo decides to release an Animalese alphabet.

This. The other games in the series did the same.
I didn't think that the HHA signs were Japanese -- they didn't look much like it. The others looked really close to Japanese to me, but I don't speak or read Japanese, so yeah.

Thanks for replying, everyone.
The ice cream freezer definitely looks like it has kanji on it.
The campsite sign I'm a bit iffy on, but the first character looks like よ. My Japanese isn't that good though.
I noticed the keyboard still has the Japanese voice thing. You can tell in the way it says some letters (like "c" pronounced "chi"). The numbers are also in Japanese.
I find these pretty cute actually. Whether its Japanese, Animalese, fakenese, I don't care. It's not bothering me. And I like the little "dashes of culture" left in the game.
I love how people want Japanese holidays in the English version, but when little signs have Japanese symbols on them they freak out. xD It's all minor stuff though, no big deal. I honestly think most of this stuff would've looked worse/cramped in English writing.
Did you really expect them to? I think it makes the game look cooler anyway.
I noticed the keyboard still has the Japanese voice thing. You can tell in the way it says some letters (like "c" pronounced "chi"). The numbers are also in Japanese.

The numbers are not in Japanese.
Lol, let's wait another year for the release, then.
Then they'll be able to translate everything in time! :)