Umm, Lotte, I know you're not taking requests, but I'm not sure this counts as an update or a request so...
I reseted (again) due to Peanut moving out while TT. -_- So I'll put in the villagers when I get 10
If you want, to save time, here's the villagers I currently have:
Key: UT- Green. Keeping/Want -Blue. Moving/Reserved: Black
Can you also add in Dream villagers?: Kiki, Tangy, Whitney, Phoebe, Peanut, Marshal, Beau. Also, same town name, and Dream Villagers are of course, blue.
EDIT: Ignore the first set of villagers I reseted a million times and got these :3
Harry(green) Chester (green) Robin (blue) Mitzi (blue) Peanut (blue)